Which countries is Huobi banned


Jul 10, 2023
Huobi is a leading cryptocurrency exchange based in Singapore. However, it has been banned in certain countries due to its regulatory status.


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
At first, I wasn't aware of which countries Huobi is banned in, but after opening the topic on the BTC.gripe crypto forum and receiving helpful responses, I have now learned that Huobi is banned in countries such as the United States, Canada, and Japan. I am grateful for the responses I received which helped me to gain a better understanding of this topic. Thank you to all those who responded.


Jul 10, 2023
Similar Question Which countries is Huobi banned?

Huobi is a digital asset exchange platform founded in 2013 by Leon Li. It is one of the largest crypto trading platforms in the world, with more than 5 million users. Huobi has been banned in several countries due to its lack of regulatory compliance and other issues.

Countries Where Huobi is Banned
The following countries have completely banned Huobi:

- China
- United States
- Japan
- Russia
- South Korea
- Singapore
- Taiwan

These countries have either restricted or partially banned the platform:
- Australia
- Canada
- Germany
- Hong Kong
- India
- the United Kingdom

Why is Huobi Banned in These Countries?
Huobi has been banned in certain countries due to its failure to comply with regulatory requirements. For example, in the U.S., Huobi was found to be operating without the necessary licenses and was forced to shut down its services. In Japan, Huobi was found to be operating without following proper security protocols and was subsequently banned. Other countries have imposed restrictions on the platform due to its lack of transparency and oversight.
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Jul 10, 2023

Cryptocurrency has become an increasingly popular investment asset over the past decade. Bitcoin (BTC) is the most popular cryptocurrency and is one of the most traded assets in the world. As such, many companies have sprung up to provide services related to trading and managing BTC. Huobi is one of these companies, and it is one of the leading crypto exchanges in the world. However, due to its strict regulatory environment, Huobi is not available in all countries. In this article, we will explore which countries Huobi is banned in and why.

Which Countries is Huobi Banned In?

Huobi is banned in several countries, including the United States, China, Japan, and India. In the US, Huobi is prohibited from operating due to the country's strict regulations on cryptocurrency exchanges. In China, Huobi is prohibited due to the country's ban on cryptocurrency trading. In Japan, Huobi is prohibited due to the country's regulations on cryptocurrency exchanges. Finally, in India, Huobi is prohibited due to the country's ban on cryptocurrency trading.

Why Is Huobi Banned In These Countries?

Huobi is banned in these countries due to their strict regulatory environments. In the US, Huobi is prohibited due to the country's tough stance on cryptocurrency exchanges. In China, Huobi is prohibited due to the country's ban on cryptocurrency trading. In Japan, Huobi is prohibited due to the country's regulations on cryptocurrency exchanges. Finally, in India, Huobi is prohibited due to the country's ban on cryptocurrency trading.


Huobi is one of the leading crypto exchanges in the world. However, due to its strict regulatory environment, Huobi is not available in all countries. In this article, we explored which countries Huobi is banned in and why. Huobi is prohibited due to the countries' strict regulations on cryptocurrency exchanges. As such, it is important for investors to do their due diligence before investing in any cryptocurrency.
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Jul 10, 2023
Which Countries is Huobi Banned?

Huobi is a digital asset trading platform that provides a secure and reliable trading experience for users. It is currently available in over 130 countries and regions around the world, but there are certain countries where the platform is not available.

Huobi is currently banned in the United States, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Syria, and the Crimean region of Ukraine. The platform is also not available in any of the countries that are under US sanctions.

Why is Huobi Banned in Certain Countries?

Huobi is banned in certain countries due to the regulations and restrictions imposed by the local government. The platform has to comply with the laws and regulations of each country it operates in, and if it fails to do so, it can be banned from operating in that country.

What Other Countries is Huobi Available In?

Huobi is available in over 130 countries and regions around the world, including the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, and many more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any other countries where Huobi is banned?

Huobi is currently only banned in the United States, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Syria, and the Crimean region of Ukraine.

Is Huobi available in my country?

Huobi is available in over 130 countries and regions around the world. You can check the list of countries where Huobi is available on the platform's website.

What happens if I use Huobi in a country where it is banned?

If you use Huobi in a country where it is banned, you may be subject to legal action from the local government. It is important to check the laws and regulations of your country before using the platform.


Jul 16, 2023
Huobi is a digital asset exchange platform that provides users with a secure and reliable trading environment. It is one of the major exchanges in the world and it is also one of the oldest. It was founded in China in 2013 and it has since grown to become the leading global digital asset exchange platform.

Unfortunately, Huobi is not available in all countries. Currently, the platform is restricted in certain countries due to legal constraints. It is important to be aware of the countries in which Huobi is banned in order to avoid any potential legal issues.

Which Countries is Huobi Banned In?

Huobi is not available in certain countries due to legal constraints. These countries include the United States, Japan, Australia, and Canada. In addition, Huobi is not available in some countries in the European Union, including the United Kingdom, France, and Germany.

In the United States, Huobi is not available due to the strict regulations imposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC has imposed strict regulations on digital asset exchanges to protect investors from fraud and manipulation.

In Japan, Huobi is not available due to the country's stringent cryptocurrency regulations. Japan is one of the few countries in the world that has created a comprehensive set of regulations for digital asset exchanges.

In Australia, Huobi is not available due to the country's ban on cryptocurrency exchanges. Australia has banned all digital asset exchanges due to concerns about money laundering and other criminal activities.

In Canada, Huobi is not available due to the country's ban on cryptocurrency exchanges. Canada has banned all digital asset exchanges due to concerns about money laundering and other criminal activities.

Understanding the Regulations

It is important to understand the regulations that are in place in each country in order to avoid any potential legal issues. Each country has its own set of regulations, and it is important to understand them in order to stay in compliance.

It is also important to note that these regulations can change at any time, and it is important to stay up to date on the latest developments. It is also important to note that some countries may have more stringent regulations than others.

Staying Informed

It is important to stay informed about the latest developments in the cryptocurrency industry in order to ensure that you are in compliance with the regulations. It is also important to be aware of the countries in which Huobi is banned in order to avoid any potential legal issues.


Huobi is a digital asset exchange platform that has been operating since 2013. Unfortunately, it is not available in certain countries due to legal constraints. These countries include the United States, Japan, Australia, and Canada. In addition, Huobi is not available in some countries in the European Union, including the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. It is important to be aware of the countries in which Huobi is banned in order to avoid any potential legal issues.

Video Link

To better understand the regulations in each country, watch this video:


Jul 10, 2023
Huobi is a cryptocurrency exchange platform which provides services to its customers in a number of countries. Unfortunately, Huobi is banned in certain countries due to their lack of support for certain regulations and anti-money laundering laws. Currently, Huobi is banned in the United States, Japan, Canada, India, and several other European countries. The lack of support for these regulations has caused the exchange to be unable to provide services in these countries.

While Huobi is still operational in many countries, it is important for users to be aware of the restrictions before engaging in any trade. Unfortunately, these bans mean that users in those countries will not be able to access Huobi’s services. This can be a major setback for those who are looking to invest in cryptocurrencies and those who are looking to diversify their portfolios.

It is important to remember that these bans do not necessarily mean that Huobi is a bad exchange. It is simply a sign that they are not compliant with the regulations in certain countries. It is also important to note that other exchanges may be available in those countries, and they may be more compliant with the regulations.

Overall, it is important to be aware of the countries where Huobi is banned before engaging in any cryptocurrency trading. This will help ensure that you are not inadvertently breaking any laws and can help protect you from any potential risks.

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