What are the four risk management methods


Jul 10, 2023
Risk Management: An Overview of Four Methods

Risk management is an important part of running any business. It involves identifying risks, assessing them, and then formulating a plan to mitigate them. There are four primary methods used to manage risk: Avoidance, Reduction, Sharing, and Retention. This article will provide a brief overview of each of these methods.


Avoidance is the simplest method of risk management. It involves avoiding any activity that could potentially lead to losses. This means that potential risks are identified and avoided altogether. This method is best used when the costs of avoiding the risk outweigh the potential losses should the risk materialize.


Reduction is a more proactive approach to risk management. This method involves identifying potential risks and then taking steps to reduce their severity. This can be done by implementing measures such as improved safety protocols, increased security measures, or by making changes to processes and procedures.


Sharing is a risk management method that involves spreading the risk between multiple parties. This is often done through insurance policies, where the risk is shared between the insurer and the insured. It can also be done through contracts, where multiple parties share the risk of a particular activity.


Retention is the method used when the costs of avoiding, reducing, or sharing the risk are too high. This means that the risk is accepted and any losses that occur due to the risk are absorbed by the company. This method is often used when the potential losses are low and the costs of avoiding or reducing the risk are too high.


Risk management is an important part of running any business. There are four primary methods used to manage risk: Avoidance, Reduction, Sharing, and Retention. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the best method to use will depend on the particular situation.