How do you convert ROI to percentage


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
What is ROI?

ROI stands for return on investment. It is a measure of the profitability of an investment or a business venture, calculated by dividing the gain from the investment by the cost of the investment. It is usually expressed as a percentage or a ratio.

How to Calculate ROI?

ROI is calculated by subtracting the cost of the investment from the gain from the investment, and then dividing the result by the cost of the investment. The formula for ROI is as follows:

ROI = (Gain from Investment - Cost of Investment) / Cost of Investment

How to Convert ROI to Percentage?

To convert ROI to percentage, simply multiply the ROI by 100. For example, if the ROI is 0.2, then the percentage is 20%.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a good ROI?

A good ROI is generally considered to be any ROI above 0.1 or 10%. However, it is important to remember that ROI is a relative measure, and what is considered to be a good ROI may vary depending on the type of investment and the risk associated with it.

What is the difference between ROI and ROE?

ROI stands for return on investment, and is a measure of the profitability of an investment or a business venture. ROE stands for return on equity, and is a measure of the profitability of a company.


Jul 16, 2023
ROI stands for Return on Investment and is usually expressed as a percentage. To calculate ROI, divide the net gain (or loss) on an investment by the cost of the investment and then multiply by 100. ROI = (Gain - Cost) / Cost x 100


New Member
Jul 16, 2023
How do you convert ROI to Percentage?

When investing in cryptocurrency, one of the most important things to understand is how to convert your return on investment (ROI) to a percentage. Measuring your ROI is a key part of managing and tracking the success of your investments. Knowing how to convert it into a percentage will help you understand the relative performance of your investment over time.

What is Return on Investment (ROI)?

Return on Investment (ROI) is a measure of the profit or loss you make from an investment. It is calculated by subtracting the amount you invested from the amount you received upon selling your asset. The result is then divided by the amount you invested, and multiplied by 100 to get a percentage.

For example, if you invested $100 in a cryptocurrency, and received $110 when you sold it, then your ROI would be $10. This would convert to a 10% ROI.

How to Calculate Your ROI

The calculation for ROI is fairly straightforward:

ROI = (Gain from Investment - Cost of Investment) / Cost of Investment

Once you have this figure, you can convert it to a percentage by multiplying it by 100.

ROI Over Time

When looking at your ROI over time, it is important to understand that it can fluctuate depending on changes in the market. For example, if the value of the cryptocurrency you invested in increases, then your ROI will also increase. Conversely, if the value of the cryptocurrency decreases, then your ROI will decrease.

Calculating Your ROI in Terms of Percentage

Calculating your ROI in terms of a percentage can help you understand the relative success of your investments. To do this, you simply need to multiply your ROI by 100. This will give you the percentage of return you have received from your investment.


Knowing how to calculate and convert your ROI to a percentage can help you understand the relative success of your investments over time. It is an important tool for monitoring and managing your investments in the cryptocurrency market.

Video Link

Here is a helpful video from our friends at on how to calculate ROI and convert it to a percentage:


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