How do I calculate portfolio return in Excel


New Member
Jul 17, 2023
How do I calculate portfolio return in Excel?

Calculating portfolio return in Excel is a simple process that can be done using a few basic formulas. The first step is to enter the data for each of the investments in your portfolio. This includes the purchase price, the number of shares, and the current market value of each investment. Once this data is entered, you can use the following formula to calculate the portfolio return:

Portfolio Return = (Current Market Value - Purchase Price) / Purchase Price

This formula will give you the return on your portfolio as a percentage. To calculate the total return on your portfolio, you can use the following formula:

Total Return = (Current Market Value - Initial Investment) / Initial Investment

This formula will give you the total return on your portfolio as a percentage.

Additional Considerations

When calculating portfolio return in Excel, it is important to remember to include any dividends or other income received from the investments in your portfolio. This income should be added to the current market value of the investments to get an accurate calculation of the return on your portfolio.

It is also important to consider any fees or commissions that you may have paid when making the investments in your portfolio. These fees or commissions should be subtracted from the current market value of the investments to get an accurate calculation of the return on your portfolio.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I calculate the return on an individual investment in my portfolio?

A: To calculate the return on an individual investment in your portfolio, you can use the following formula:

Return = (Current Market Value - Purchase Price) / Purchase Price

Q: How do I calculate the total return on my portfolio?

A: To calculate the total return on your portfolio, you can use the following formula:

Total Return = (Current Market Value - Initial Investment) / Initial Investment


Jul 10, 2023
Calculating Portfolio Return in Excel

Calculating portfolio return in Excel is a relatively simple process. First, you need to input the data for each security in the portfolio into the spreadsheet. This includes the purchase price, the sale price, the number of shares, and the dividend payments. Once this data is entered, you can use the XIRR function to calculate the portfolio return. This function takes the cash flows associated with the portfolio and calculates the internal rate of return. This rate of return is the portfolio return.


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
How do I calculate portfolio return in Excel

Calculating portfolio return in Excel is an essential skill for any investor, and it can be done with the help of the trading platform. is a free online platform that allows users to track and analyze their investments. It provides detailed reports and a comprehensive set of tools to help users determine the performance of their portfolios.

Overview of is a comprehensive portfolio management and analytics platform. It provides users with the tools and information they need to make informed decisions about their investments. The platform offers a range of features, including portfolio tracking, portfolio analysis, and portfolio optimization. It also provides detailed reports on performance, risk, and portfolio composition.

Calculating Portfolio Return in Excel

The process of calculating portfolio return in Excel is relatively straightforward. The first step is to download the spreadsheet template. This template includes all the necessary data fields to calculate portfolio return. Once the template is downloaded, users can enter their portfolio data, such as the asset class, asset description, asset purchase date, asset quantity, and asset price.

Once all the data has been entered, users can then use the spreadsheet to calculate their portfolio return. The spreadsheet will automatically calculate the return on each asset, as well as the overall return on the portfolio. It will also provide a detailed report on the performance of the portfolio.

Analyzing Portfolio Performance

In addition to calculating portfolio return in Excel, also provides users with the tools to analyze their portfolio performance. The platform offers a range of analytical tools, including portfolio optimization, portfolio stress-testing, and risk management. These tools allow users to identify potential risks and opportunities in their portfolio and make informed decisions about their investments.


Calculating portfolio return in Excel is an important task for any investor. provides users with a comprehensive set of tools to calculate and analyze portfolio performance. With the platform, users can easily keep track of their investments and make informed decisions about their portfolio.

Video Link

For a detailed tutorial on how to calculate portfolio return in Excel, check out the following video: