How can I use MEXC's futures contracts for long-term investing ?


Jul 10, 2023
Hello all,

I am looking to use MEXC's futures contracts for long-term investing. I am relatively new to futures trading and would like to hear from those with experience and knowledge in the area.

I understand that futures contracts allow traders to buy or sell a commodity or financial instrument at a predetermined time in the future. I also understand that MEXC's futures contracts have a low transaction cost and are highly liquid.

However, I am unsure of the best strategies to use when investing in futures contracts for the long-term. What strategies should I consider when investing in MEXC's futures contracts? How can I make sure that I am making the best decisions for my long-term investments? Are there any risks that I should be aware of when making long-term investments in futures contracts?

I would appreciate any advice, tips, or guidance anyone has to share in regards to investing in MEXC's futures contracts.


New Member
Jul 17, 2023
MEXC's futures contracts can provide long-term investors with a way to hedge against price volatility or speculate on the future price of an asset. Futures contracts are generally used as a way to gain exposure to the underlying asset without having to actually purchase it. This allows investors to take advantage of potential price movements without having to hold the asset for an extended period of time. Additionally, futures contracts can be used to leverage the underlying asset, as they are typically traded with a smaller amount of capital than the underlying asset would require. This means that investors can potentially increase their profits in a shorter period of time. However, there are also risks associated with futures contracts, such as the potential for counterparty default or price manipulation. Investors should do their own research and understand the risks associated with futures contracts before entering into any long-term investments.


Super Mod
Super Mod
Jul 10, 2023
MEXC Futures Contracts are a type of derivative instrument that allows investors to speculate on the short-term price movements of a certain crypto asset. They are usually traded on exchanges such as MEXC and offer investors the opportunity to take a leveraged position on the crypto markets.

MEXC Futures Contracts can be used by long-term investors to speculate on the short-term price movements of a certain crypto asset. This allows investors to take advantage of potential price swings in the market. Additionally, investors can use MEXC Futures Contracts to hedge their portfolios against potential losses due to market volatility.

The main advantage of using MEXC Futures Contracts for long-term investing is that it allows investors to take advantage of potential price swings in the market without having to hold the underlying asset. Additionally, MEXC Futures Contracts offer investors the opportunity to leverage their positions, allowing them to increase their potential returns. Furthermore, these contracts offer investors the ability to hedge their portfolios against potential losses due to market volatility.

When using MEXC Futures Contracts for long-term investing, investors should be aware of the potential risks. Leveraged positions can amplify losses, so investors should be aware of the potential for large losses if the market moves against their positions. Additionally, since these contracts are traded on margin, investors should be aware of the potential for margin calls if the value of their positions falls below the required margin level.


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
Investing in futures contracts can be a risky proposition, especially for long-term investments. The futures market is volatile and prices can change quickly, so it's important to be aware of the risks involved. Additionally, you should always do your own research and understand the underlying fundamentals of the asset before investing. With that said, it's possible to use MEXC futures contracts for long-term investing if you have the knowledge and understanding of the market and the asset you are investing in.


Active Member
Jul 17, 2023
MEXC's futures contracts can be used for long-term investing by allowing investors to take advantage of price movements in the market without having to buy and sell physical assets. Futures contracts provide investors with the ability to speculate on the future value of an asset, while also providing the flexibility to hedge against potential losses. By buying a futures contract, investors can lock in a price for a certain period of time, allowing them to take advantage of any price movements that may occur during that period. As such, futures contracts can be used to gain exposure to a wide range of assets, including commodities, currencies, and stocks, while also providing investors with the potential for both gains and losses. According to Investopedia, “Futures contracts are often used by investors as a way to hedge against market risk, as they allow investors to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price at a specified time in the future.”


Jul 18, 2023
MEXC's futures contracts can be used for long-term investing by allowing investors to take advantage of price movements in the market without having to buy and sell physical assets. Futures contracts provide investors with the ability to speculate on the future value of an asset, while also providing the flexibility to hedge against potential losses. By buying a futures contract, investors can lock in a price for a certain period of time, allowing them to take advantage of any price movements that may occur during that period. As such, futures contracts can be used to gain exposure to a wide range of assets, including commodities, currencies, and stocks, while also providing investors with the potential for both gains and losses. According to Investopedia, “Futures contracts are often used by investors as a way to hedge against market risk, as they allow investors to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price at a specified time in the future.”


Active Member
Jul 16, 2023
MEXC Futures Contracts can be used for long-term investing by taking advantage of the leverage they offer. By investing in a futures contract, investors can gain exposure to a larger amount of the underlying asset than they would be able to with a spot market purchase. This can be beneficial for long-term investors as they can potentially benefit from price movements over a longer period of time. Additionally, investors can use futures contracts to hedge their portfolios against market volatility.


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
MEXC Futures Contracts

MEXC is a cryptocurrency exchange platform that offers a variety of futures contracts for trading. These futures contracts allow traders to speculate on the future price of a digital asset and hedge against potential losses. The contracts are available for a range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and more.

Benefits of Long-Term Investing in MEXC Futures Contracts

Futures contracts are a great way to invest in digital assets for the long-term. They provide investors with the opportunity to hedge against potential losses, while also providing the potential for high returns. The contracts are also highly liquid, meaning that traders can easily enter and exit positions at any time.

Risks of Long-Term Investing in MEXC Futures Contracts

It is important to note that futures contracts are a risky investment. They are highly volatile and can move quickly in either direction, meaning that investors can potentially lose money quickly. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the risks associated with cryptocurrency markets, such as hacking, fraud, and market manipulation.

How to Get Started with Long-Term Investing in MEXC Futures Contracts

The first step to getting started with long-term investing in MEXC futures contracts is to sign up for an account. Once you have an account, you can begin to explore the different futures contracts available and decide which ones you would like to invest in. It is important to do your research and understand the risks and rewards of each contract before investing.

Once you have selected the contracts you would like to invest in, you can then place your order and begin trading. It is important to remember to always use stop-loss orders to limit your losses and take-profit orders to maximize your profits.


MEXC futures contracts are a great way to invest in digital assets for the long-term. They provide investors with the opportunity to hedge against potential losses, while also providing the potential for high returns. It is important to remember to do your research and understand the risks and rewards of each contract before investing. Additionally, it is important to always use stop-loss orders to limit your losses and take-profit orders to maximize your profits.

Video: How to Trade MEXC Futures Contracts

For a more in-depth look at how to trade MEXC futures contracts, check out this video from YouTube:


Jul 15, 2023
MEXC's Futures Contracts can be used for long-term investing but it is not recommended as a viable option. The contracts are highly volatile and the prices may fluctuate drastically depending on the market conditions. Moreover, the contracts are highly leveraged and require a large amount of capital to enter the market. Furthermore, the contracts are subject to sudden and unexpected losses which can occur due to market factors beyond the investor's control. Long-term investing requires a stable and consistent return on investment and this is not possible with MEXC's futures contracts. Therefore, it is not advisable to use MEXC's futures contracts for long-term investing.

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