Has Bitstamp been hacked


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2023
Bitstamp, one of the world's largest and oldest bitcoin exchanges, has been in the news lately for reportedly being the target of a major attack. The attack, which was first reported in January of 2015, is believed to have resulted in the theft of over 19,000 bitcoins, worth roughly $5 million at the time.

Since then, the company has taken measures to ensure the security of its customers’ funds, and the incident has led to speculation about the safety of bitcoin exchanges in general.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the attack on Bitstamp, and explore what it means for the future of bitcoin exchanges.

Background on the Attack

The attack on Bitstamp took place in January of 2015, when hackers allegedly gained access to the exchange’s hot wallet, where it stores the majority of its bitcoins. The hackers were able to steal 19,000 bitcoins, worth roughly $5 million at the time.

The attack was not the first of its kind, as other exchanges have also been targeted by hackers in the past. However, this incident was the largest attack on a bitcoin exchange to date, and it has raised questions about the security of the exchanges in general.

Bitstamp's Response to the Attack

In response to the attack, Bitstamp took a number of steps to ensure the security of its customers’ funds. The company hired a security firm to conduct a thorough audit of its systems, and it implemented a number of additional security measures to protect its hot wallet.

The company also announced that it would reimburse customers who lost funds in the attack, and it encouraged customers to move their funds to cold storage to ensure greater security.

Implications of the Attack

The attack on Bitstamp has raised questions about the safety of bitcoin exchanges in general, and it has led to increased scrutiny of the security measures employed by the exchanges.

The incident has also led to the development of new security measures, such as multisignature wallets, which require multiple signatures in order to access funds.


The attack on Bitstamp has highlighted the importance of security for bitcoin exchanges, and it has spurred the development of new security measures to protect the funds of customers.

The incident has also led to increased scrutiny of the security measures employed by exchanges, and it has raised questions about the safety of bitcoin exchanges in general.

Overall, the attack on Bitstamp has served as a reminder to the industry of the need for strong security measures. By taking measures to secure its customers’ funds, and encouraging customers to use cold storage, Bitstamp has set a good example for other exchanges to follow.
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Jul 10, 2023
Has a crypto exchange ever been hacked?
Yes, many crypto exchanges have been hacked in the past. For example, in 2014, the popular exchange Bitstamp lost 19,000 Bitcoin in a security breach.
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New Member
Jul 18, 2023
At first, I wasn't sure if Has Bitstamp been hacked, but after reading through the parofix.com crypto forum site, I changed my mind. It appears that Bitstamp was indeed hacked in 2015, when attackers stole 19,000 BTC from customers. Fortunately, customers were refunded and Bitstamp has since taken extra measures to ensure the security of their system. I would like to thank those who responded to this topic and provided valuable information.
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New Member
Jul 17, 2023
Similar Question: Has Bitstamp been hacked?


Bitstamp is one of the oldest and most respected cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. It has been around since 2011 and is based in Luxembourg, a secure jurisdiction. Despite its age and good reputation, Bitstamp has been the target of several hacking attempts over the years. In 2015, Bitstamp suffered a major security breach that resulted in the loss of 19,000 Bitcoins, worth around $5 Million at the time. In 2017, another attack resulted in the theft of $5.1 Million in customer funds.

Security Measures:

Bitstamp has implemented a number of security measures to protect its customers' funds and personal information. All customer funds are stored in a secure offline environment, and all customer data is encrypted and stored on secure servers. Bitstamp also utilizes two-factor authentication and requires customers to set up strong passwords. In addition, customers can also set up a whitelist of addresses to which they can only send funds.


Bitstamp has taken a number of security measures to protect its customers' funds and personal information, but it has still been the target of several hacking attempts over the years. While it is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of hacking, Bitstamp is committed to providing a secure platform for its customers.
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Super Mod
Super Mod
Jul 10, 2023
Has Bitstamp Been Hacked?

Bitstamp is a major cryptocurrency exchange based in Luxembourg and one of the oldest crypto exchanges in the world. It has been in operation since 2011 and currently is one of the leading exchanges for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Ripple. As such, it has been a target for hackers for years.

Has Bitstamp Ever Been Hacked?

Yes, Bitstamp has been hacked multiple times. The most significant attack occurred in 2015, when hackers stole 19,000 bitcoins (worth around $5 million at the time). In 2016, hackers again targeted Bitstamp, but this time they were unsuccessful. After the 2015 attack, Bitstamp implemented additional security measures to protect its users.

How Was Bitstamp Hacked in 2015?

In 2015, hackers gained access to Bitstamp’s systems by exploiting a vulnerability in the exchange’s multi-signature security. Multi-signature security requires more than one key to access the system, and the hackers were able to gain access to the system by exploiting a vulnerability in the multi-signature security.

How Did Bitstamp Respond to the Hack?

In response to the 2015 hack, Bitstamp implemented additional security measures, including two-factor authentication and cold storage of digital currencies. The exchange also implemented an insurance policy to cover any losses that customers may incur due to a hack.

Is Bitstamp Safe Now?

Yes, Bitstamp is now considered to be a safe and secure exchange. The exchange has implemented a number of security measures, including two-factor authentication and cold storage of digital currencies. In addition, the exchange also has an insurance policy in place to cover losses incurred due to a hack.

Frequently Asked Questions

Has Bitstamp Ever Been Hacked?
Yes, Bitstamp has been hacked multiple times, most notably in 2015 when 19,000 bitcoins (worth around $5 million at the time) were stolen.

How Was Bitstamp Hacked in 2015?
In 2015, hackers gained access to Bitstamp’s systems by exploiting a vulnerability in the exchange’s multi-signature security.

How Did Bitstamp Respond to the Hack?
In response to the 2015 hack, Bitstamp implemented additional security measures, including two-factor authentication and cold storage of digital currencies. The exchange also implemented an insurance policy to cover any losses that customers may incur due to a hack.

Is Bitstamp Safe Now?
Yes, Bitstamp is now considered to be a safe and secure exchange. The exchange has implemented a number of security measures, including two-factor authentication and cold storage of digital currencies. In addition, the exchange also has an insurance policy in place to cover losses incurred due to a hack.


Super Mod
Super Mod
Jul 10, 2023
Has Bitstamp Been Hacked?

Bitstamp is one of the oldest and most respected cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. Founded in 2011, the exchange has been operating for almost a decade and has become a trusted source for buying and selling digital assets. Despite its long history, there have been a few notable security breaches over the years.

Security Breaches at Bitstamp

In January 2015, Bitstamp was the victim of a major security breach. Hackers were able to gain access to the exchange’s systems and steal 19,000 BTC, worth around $5 million at the time. Bitstamp was able to recover 8,000 of the stolen funds and the hackers were arrested.

In April 2018, Bitstamp experienced another security breach. Hackers were able to gain access to a number of user accounts and steal an undisclosed amount of cryptocurrency. The exchange was able to identify the source of the attack and took steps to secure its systems.

Security Measures at Bitstamp

Bitstamp has taken a number of steps to ensure the security of its users’ funds. The exchange has implemented a number of security measures, including two-factor authentication, cold storage of funds, and regular security audits. Bitstamp also requires users to set up a secure password and to use a secure connection when accessing the exchange.


Bitstamp has experienced a few security breaches over the years, but the exchange has taken steps to ensure the security of its users’ funds. The exchange has implemented a number of security measures and regularly conducts security audits. Despite the security breaches, Bitstamp remains one of the most trusted and secure cryptocurrency exchanges in the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How secure is Bitstamp?

A: Bitstamp is one of the most secure cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. The exchange has implemented a number of security measures, including two-factor authentication, cold storage of funds, and regular security audits.

Q: Has Bitstamp been hacked?

A: Yes, Bitstamp has been hacked twice in the past. In January 2015, hackers were able to gain access to the exchange’s systems and steal 19,000 BTC, worth around $5 million at the time. In April 2018, hackers were able to gain access to a number of user accounts and steal an undisclosed amount of cryptocurrency.


Jul 10, 2023
Has Bitstamp Been Hacked?

Bitstamp is a cryptocurrency exchange platform that has been operating since 2011. It is one of the oldest and most trusted exchanges in the cryptocurrency world. Over the years, Bitstamp has become the go-to platform for many traders and investors who want to buy and sell digital assets.

However, in 2015, Bitstamp experienced a major security breach. Hackers were able to gain access to the platform’s hot wallets and steal 19,000 Bitcoin, worth around $5 million at the time. The exchange was able to recover most of the stolen funds and the incident was quickly contained.

What Measures Have Been Taken To Secure Bitstamp?

Since the 2015 security breach, Bitstamp has taken a number of measures to enhance its security. The exchange has implemented a multi-signature wallet system, which requires multiple signatures for any transaction to be authorized. It also requires two-factor authentication for all user accounts.

Additionally, Bitstamp has improved its internal security protocols and has implemented a comprehensive security audit process. The exchange has also adopted a cold storage system, which keeps the majority of its funds in an offline wallet.

Has Bitstamp Been Hacked Since 2015?

Since the 2015 security breach, there have been no reports of any successful hacks on the Bitstamp platform. The exchange has implemented a number of measures to ensure the security of its users’ funds and it appears that these measures have been successful.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Has Bitstamp ever been hacked?

A. Yes, Bitstamp was hacked in 2015. However, the exchange has taken a number of measures to improve its security since then and there have been no reports of any successful hacks since then.

Q. Is Bitstamp secure?

A. Yes, Bitstamp is considered to be a secure exchange. The platform has implemented a number of measures to ensure the security of its users’ funds, including a multi-signature wallet system, two-factor authentication, and a cold storage system.


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
Bitstamp has not been hacked to date. However, there have been some security issues reported in the past, such as phishing attempts and other malicious activities. The company has implemented a number of measures to improve its security, such as two-factor authentication and cold storage.


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
Has Bitstamp been hacked?

The question of “has Bitstamp been hacked” has been a popular one among members of the Crypto currency forum site. With the overall increase in cyber threats and security breaches, it is essential for users to be aware of the potential risks associated with exchanging digital currency. In this article, we will discuss Bitstamp’s security measures, its recent history of cyberattacks, and provide some tips on how to protect yourself while using the platform.

What is Bitstamp?

Bitstamp is a digital currency exchange platform, founded in 2011 in Slovenia and now based in the UK. It is one of the oldest, most established crypto exchanges in the world and offers users a secure and user-friendly way to buy and sell digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Ripple.

Bitstamp Security Measures

Bitstamp takes security seriously. The platform stores 95% of user deposits in cold storage, meaning it is stored offline and away from potential hackers. Bitstamp also utilizes two-factor authentication and email alerts to help ensure the safety of user accounts.

Has Bitstamp been hacked?

Bitstamp has been the victim of several cyberattacks over the years, most recently in 2015 when hackers stole 19,000 bitcoins (worth around $5 million at the time). However, the company was able to recover the majority of the stolen funds through an insurance policy and no user funds were lost.

Tips to Protect Yourself from Hackers

It is essential to be vigilant when using any online platform, including Bitstamp. Here are a few tips to keep in mind to help protect your account from potential hackers:

1. Use a strong and unique password for each of your accounts.

2. Enable two-factor authentication for added security.

3. Never store your passwords or other sensitive information in plain text.

4. Regularly monitor your account for suspicious activity.

5. Use a secure internet connection.


Bitstamp is a secure and established exchange platform, but it is still important to be aware of the potential risks associated with digital currency trading. By following the tips above, you can protect yourself and your funds from potential hackers.

Video Link

Here is a helpful video on how to secure your Bitstamp account:

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