DIY Homemade Organic Fertilizers for Your Garden ?


New Member
Jul 17, 2023
Ne Özelliğe Sahip Olmalıdır?

Organik gübrelerin, bahçenizdeki bitkilerin sağlıklı bir şekilde büyümesini desteklemek için ne özellikleri olmalıdır? Organik gübreler, bitkilerin sağlıklı büyümesini sağlamak için çok önemlidir. Organik gübreler, bitkilerin besinleri almasını ve canlılığını sağlamak için çeşitli öğeler içerir.

Toprak pH Dengesi

Organik gübreler, bitkilerin sağlam gübre alması için toprak pH dengesinin uygun olmasını sağlamak için çok önemlidir. Toprak pH'sının, bitkilerin sağlıklı olarak besin almasını sağlamak için uygun olması gerekir.

Bazik Besinler

Organik gübreler, bitkilerin sağlıklı büyümesi için özellikle bazik besinleri içerir. Bazik besinler, bitkilerin çeşitli bitki besinleri almasını sağlamada önemlidir.

Humik Asitler

Organik gübreler, bitkilerin sağlıklı büyümesi için humik asitleri içerir. Humik asitler, bitkilerin çeşitli bitki besinleri almasını sağlamada önemli rol oynar. Ayrıca, bitki besinlerinin toprağa bağlanmasını da sağlar.


Organik gübreler, bitkilerin sağlıklı büyümesi için fosforu içerir. Fosfor, bitkilerin çeşitli bitki besinleri almasını sağlamada önemli rol oynar.


Organik gübreler, bitkilerin sağlıklı büyümesi için azotu içerir. Azot, bitkilerin çeşitli bitki besinleri almasını sağlamada önemli rol oynar.

Besin Nitratları

Organik gübreler, bitkilerin sağlıklı büyümesi için besin nitratlarını içerir. Besin nitratları, bitkilerin çeşitli bitki besinleri almasını sağlamada önemli rol oynar.

Organik Gübrelerin Yapımı

Organik gübreler, evde kolayca yapılabilen bitkisel gübrelerdir. Evde özellikle bitkisel gübreler, gübreleri kolayca yapmanızı sağlar. Organik gübrelerin çoğu, bitkilerin sağlıklı büyümesini desteklemek için çok etkili olur.

Organik Gübrelerin Hazırlanması

Organik gübreler, evde kolayca hazırlanır.


Jul 10, 2023
Organic fertilizers are becoming increasingly popular for home gardeners and commercial farmers alike. Organic fertilizers are a great way to provide your plants with the nutrients they need to grow healthy and strong. They are also better for the environment because they don't contain any synthetic chemicals or toxins. In this article, we will discuss DIY homemade organic fertilizers for your garden and how you can make them yourself.

Organic fertilizers are natural products that are used to provide plants with the nutrients they need to grow. They are made from natural sources such as animal waste, compost, and plant matter. Organic fertilizers are usually more expensive than synthetic fertilizers, but they are better for the environment because they don't contain any synthetic chemicals or toxins.

Organic fertilizers provide plants with the nutrients they need to grow healthy and strong. They are also better for the environment because they don't contain any synthetic chemicals or toxins. Organic fertilizers also help to improve soil structure and fertility, which can help to improve the overall health of your garden.

Making your own homemade organic fertilizers is a great way to provide your plants with the nutrients they need to grow. You can make your own organic fertilizers using items you may already have in your home, such as kitchen scraps, coffee grounds, and eggshells. You can also use other organic materials such as manure, compost, and seaweed.

Making your own organic fertilizers is easy and can be done with items you may already have in your home. Here are some tips on how to make your own organic fertilizers:

1. Compost: Composting is a great way to make your own organic fertilizer. Composting involves breaking down organic materials such as kitchen scraps, coffee grounds, and eggshells into a nutrient-rich fertilizer.

2. Manure: Manure is another great way to make your own organic fertilizer. Manure is a great source of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are essential nutrients for plants.

3. Seaweed: Seaweed is a great source of trace minerals and can be used to make your own organic fertilizer. Seaweed can be added to compost or used as a mulch around plants.

DIY homemade organic fertilizers are a great way to provide your plants with the nutrients they need to grow healthy and strong. Making your own organic fertilizers is easy and can be done with items you may already have in your home. Composting, using manure, and adding seaweed are all great ways to make your own organic fertilizers.


Jul 10, 2023
DIY Homemade Organic Fertilizers for Your Garden

Organic gardening is becoming increasingly popular among gardeners and enthusiasts alike, due to the numerous benefits it brings. One of the main advantages of an organic garden is that it is much more sustainable and environmentally friendly than traditional gardening. However, an organic garden requires more attention and care in order to ensure that the soil is healthy and nutrient-rich. To achieve this, one of the most important steps is to use organic fertilizers to feed the soil and promote healthy plant growth.

What are Organic Fertilizers?

Organic fertilizers are materials that are derived from living organisms or their by-products. They are natural and non-toxic, making them safe for use in gardens and other areas where plants are grown. Common examples of organic fertilizers include compost, manure, and plant-based fertilizers.

Benefits of Organic Fertilizers

Organic fertilizers provide essential nutrients to the soil, including nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. These nutrients help to promote healthy growth and development in plants. Additionally, organic fertilizers help to improve the texture, structure, and fertility of the soil over time. This helps to ensure that the soil remains healthy and nutrient-rich, even after several years of use.

Organic fertilizers also contain beneficial microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and nematodes that help to break down organic material in the soil and release nutrients. This helps to reduce the need for chemical fertilizers, which can be harmful to the environment.

DIY Homemade Organic Fertilizers

Making your own homemade organic fertilizers is an easy and cost-effective way to provide your plants with the essential nutrients they need to thrive. Here are some simple recipes for DIY organic fertilizers that you can make using common household ingredients:

Compost Tea

Compost tea is a liquid fertilizer that is made by steeping finished compost in water. It is a great way to add beneficial microorganisms to your soil and it can be used to directly feed plants or as a soil drench.

To make compost tea, fill a 5-gallon bucket with finished compost and then fill it with water. Let the mixture steep for 24 hours, stirring occasionally. After 24 hours, strain the mixture and dilute it with an equal amount of water. You can then use the tea as a soil drench or foliar spray.

Fish Emulsion

Fish emulsion is a nutrient-rich liquid fertilizer that can be made from fresh or canned fish. It is an excellent source of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and it is very easy to make.

To make fish emulsion, combine one cup of fresh or canned fish with five cups of water in a blender. Blend until the mixture is smooth. Strain the mixture and dilute it with an equal amount of water. You can then use the mixture as a soil drench or foliar spray.

Banana Peel Fertilizer

Banana peels are an excellent source of potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium, making them a great choice for homemade organic fertilizers. To make a banana peel fertilizer, simply bury a few banana peels in the soil around plants. The potassium and phosphorus in the peels will help to promote healthy plant growth.


Making your own homemade organic fertilizers is a great way to save money and reduce your environmental impact. These DIY fertilizers are easy to make and they provide essential nutrients to the soil, helping to promote healthy plant growth.

Video Link

For more information, check out this helpful video from YouTube:

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