Did XRP do an ICO


Jul 9, 2023
What is an ICO?

An Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is a means of crowdfunding for cryptocurrency projects. During an ICO, a project or company creates a new virtual coin or token that can be used to pay for goods or services related to the project. Companies may also use the ICO to raise capital for their operations.

Did XRP Do an ICO?

No, XRP did not do an ICO. Ripple, the company behind XRP, distributed the tokens through a closed-loop system and gave away billions of XRP to different companies and institutions. Ripple did not offer any tokens directly to the public and didn’t have an ICO.

Why Did Ripple Not Do an ICO?

Ripple had a different approach to the cryptocurrency market. Unlike most other projects, Ripple focused on building relationships with banks and financial institutions rather than launching an ICO. Ripple did this in order to gain widespread acceptance from the traditional banking world and to create an environment where XRP can be used in financial transactions.

How Does Ripple Distribute XRP?

Ripple distributes XRP using a closed-loop system. Ripple owns a large portion of XRP and releases them into the market slowly over time. When Ripple releases XRP into the market, it can be bought and traded on cryptocurrency exchanges.


XRP did not do an ICO and instead was distributed through a closed-loop system owned by Ripple. Ripple chose this method of distribution in order to gain acceptance from the traditional banking world and to create an environment where XRP can be used in financial transactions. If you have any questions about XRP or Ripple, feel free to ask them in the BTC.gripe forum.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2023

Bitcoin (BTC) is a digital currency created in 2009 by a person or group of people using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. It is a decentralized, peer-to-peer electronic cash system that requires no central authority to manage or operate. Bitcoin is the first application of blockchain technology and has become the most popular and widely used cryptocurrency in the world.

What is an ICO?

Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) are a type of fundraising process in which cryptocurrency tokens are sold to investors in exchange for other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. ICOs have become popular in the cryptocurrency space as a way for companies to raise funds for their projects.

Did XRP Do an ICO?

No, XRP did not do an ICO. XRP was created by Ripple Labs in 2012 and is not a decentralized cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. XRP is a digital asset used by Ripple Labs to facilitate payments on the Ripple network. Ripple Labs holds a large portion of XRP and does not offer it for sale in the form of an ICO.


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
At first, I wasn't sure if Did XRP do an ICO or not, but after reading the answers on the parofix.com crypto forum, I changed my mind. It turns out that XRP did not do an ICO, but rather it was released through a process called 'distribution'. This process is designed to give holders of XRP the opportunity to purchase the digital asset at a discount rate.

I want to thank everyone who responded and provided information on the Did XRP do an ICO topic. Your responses have definitely helped me to understand the situation better.
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Jul 9, 2023
Similar Question: Did XRP Do an ICO?

XRP is the native cryptocurrency of the Ripple network. Unlike many other cryptocurrencies, XRP does not have a history of conducting an ICO (Initial Coin Offering). XRP was not funded through an ICO. Instead, the Ripple network was funded through a series of venture capital investments.

Background of XRP and Ripple

XRP is the native cryptocurrency of the Ripple network, a distributed ledger technology and real-time gross settlement system. Ripple was founded in 2012 by Chris Larsen and Jed McCaleb. The company has since grown to become one of the most successful blockchain companies in the world. Ripple is used by banks and financial institutions to facilitate global payments and cross-border remittances.

Did XRP Do an ICO?

No, XRP did not do an ICO. Instead, the Ripple network was funded through a series of venture capital investments. The first investment was from Google Ventures, followed by Andreessen Horowitz, Lightspeed Venture Partners, and several other investors. This funding enabled Ripple to build the technology and develop the XRP cryptocurrency.
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Super Mod
Super Mod
Jul 10, 2023
Did XRP Do An ICO?

The short answer to this question is no. XRP, the digital asset created by Ripple, did not conduct an initial coin offering (ICO). Instead, Ripple created 100 billion XRP tokens and distributed them between Ripple and its founders.

What Is An ICO?

An ICO (Initial Coin Offering) is a way for a blockchain-based or cryptocurrency project to raise funds by selling tokens to investors. During an ICO, the project creates a predetermined number of tokens and sells them to investors in exchange for crypto or fiat currencies.

What Is XRP?

XRP is a digital asset created by Ripple, a US-based blockchain payments company. XRP acts as a bridge between different fiat currencies and is used by Ripple to facilitate cross-border payments. XRP is also used on the RippleNet network to provide liquidity to banks and payment providers.

How Was XRP Distributed?

Ripple created 100 billion XRP and distributed them between the company and its founders. A large portion of XRP (55 billion) was held by Ripple, while the remaining 45 billion were distributed among the founders.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Difference Between An ICO And XRP?

The main difference between an ICO and XRP is that an ICO is a fundraising mechanism, while XRP is a digital asset used to facilitate cross-border payments.

Where Can I Buy XRP?

XRP is available on a variety of cryptocurrency exchanges, including Coinbase, Kraken, Binance, and Bitstamp.


Active Member
Jul 17, 2023
No, XRP did not do an ICO. XRP was released in 2013, while ICOs only became popular in 2017. XRP was created and distributed by Ripple Labs, the company behind the Ripple protocol. Its main purpose was to enable banks and other financial institutions to move money quickly and securely.


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
No, XRP did not do an ICO. XRP was created as an open-source payment system and distributed by Ripple Labs, a US-based technology company. XRP was not created to raise funds for any particular project, but rather to facilitate international payments and currency exchanges, as well as to reduce transaction costs. As such, it is not considered to be an ICO by many in the cryptocurrency industry.