Did Achilles exist ?


Jul 9, 2023
Achilles is one of the most iconic figures from Greek mythology. He is renowned for his strength and courage, and is the subject of many stories and poems. But did he really exist? Was he a real person, or simply a mythical character? This forum is an opportunity to discuss the evidence and to share your thoughts on the possibility that Achilles was a real person.


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Jul 17, 2023
The question of whether or not Achilles existed is one that has been debated for centuries. The ancient Greek hero Achilles is one of the most famous figures in mythology and has been the subject of numerous works of art, literature, and film. In this article, we will explore the evidence for and against the existence of Achilles and draw our own conclusions. Achilles, mythology, existence, evidence, conclusion

The most compelling evidence for the existence of Achilles comes from the Homeric epics. The Iliad and the Odyssey, which were written in the 8th century BCE, both tell the story of Achilles and his heroic exploits in the Trojan War. The Iliad in particular is filled with detailed descriptions of Achilles and his interactions with other characters. This suggests that the figure of Achilles was not simply a mythological invention, but rather a real person who was remembered and celebrated by the ancient Greeks.

Other evidence for the existence of Achilles comes from archaeological finds. In the 19th century, a number of artifacts were discovered in the area of Troy which could be linked to the Trojan War. These artifacts include weapons, jewelry, and pottery which depict scenes from the Iliad. This suggests that the Trojan War was a real event which was commemorated by the ancient Greeks.

Finally, there is also evidence for the existence of Achilles in the works of later authors. For example, the Roman poet Virgil wrote about Achilles in his epic poem, the Aeneid. This suggests that the figure of Achilles was not simply a mythological invention, but rather a real person who was remembered and celebrated by later authors. Homeric epics, Iliad, Odyssey, archaeological finds, Trojan War, Virgil, Aeneid

The most compelling evidence against the existence of Achilles comes from modern scholars who have argued that the Homeric epics are largely fictional. These scholars have suggested that the figure of Achilles was invented by Homer in order to create a heroic figure who could be the protagonist of his epics. This would explain why the character of Achilles is so larger-than-life and why he is often portrayed as being invincible.

Another argument against the existence of Achilles is that there is no archaeological evidence for the Trojan War. Although there have been a number of archaeological finds which could be linked to the Trojan War, there is no conclusive proof that the war actually happened. This suggests that the events described in the Iliad and the Odyssey may have been largely fictional. Homeric epics, fictional, archaeological evidence, Trojan War

Overall, the evidence for and against the existence of Achilles is inconclusive. On the one hand, there is some evidence which suggests that Achilles was a real person who was remembered and celebrated by the ancient Greeks. On the other hand, there is also evidence which suggests that the figure of Achilles was invented by Homer in order to create a heroic protagonist for his epics. Ultimately, the question of whether or not Achilles existed is a matter of personal opinion and cannot be definitively answered.


Jul 10, 2023
Did Achilles exist?

The ancient Greek warrior Achilles is often revered as one of the greatest heroes of all time. But the question remains: did Achilles actually exist? Many have debated the answer to this question over the years, and the debate has continued to this day.

The Evidence for Achilles’ Existence

One of the most compelling pieces of evidence for the existence of Achilles comes from Homer’s Iliad. In this epic poem, Achilles is described in great detail, which suggests that he must have been a real person. Additionally, there are several other ancient sources that mention Achilles, including Hesiod’s Theogony and the Odyssey.

Other evidence for the existence of Achilles comes in the form of archaeological remains. In 1876, Heinrich Schliemann unearthed the ruins of Troy, which was the city that Achilles and the Greeks laid siege to in the Iliad. This discovery is significant because it suggests that the Trojan War was an actual historical event, and that Achilles was likely involved in it.

The Arguments Against Achilles’ Existence

Despite the evidence for Achilles’ existence, there are some who argue that he was simply a mythical figure. They point out that the Iliad was written centuries after the Trojan War, and that it is likely based on a combination of historical events and legends. Therefore, they argue that it is impossible to know for certain whether Achilles was a real person or not.


In the end, it is impossible to know for certain whether Achilles existed or not. However, the evidence suggests that he was likely a real person who played an important role in the Trojan War. To get a better understanding of the debate, check out this video from YouTube:

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