Can we develop smart contract in C++


Jul 9, 2023
Yes, smart contracts can be developed in C++. However, it is important to note that C++ is not the only language that can be used for this purpose. Other languages, such as Solidity and Vyper, are more commonly used for smart contract development.


Jul 10, 2023
Can we develop smart contracts in C++?

The use of smart contracts has been steadily increasing in the crypto world as a way to ensure that transactions are secure and trustless. Smart contracts are programs that are written on the blockchain, and they can help facilitate every kind of transaction, from cryptocurrency transfers to the deployment of Initial Coin Offerings.

Given the increasing importance of smart contracts, many crypto users are wondering if it is possible to develop them in the programming language C++.

What is C++?

C++ is a general-purpose programming language that is often used for developing applications and operating systems. It is an object-oriented language, and it is popularly used for developing software, games, mobile applications, and more.

Can We Develop Smart Contracts in C++?

The answer is yes – it is possible to develop smart contracts in C++. Smart contracts are written in a high-level programming language, and C++ is a high-level language that can be used to write them.

Developers can use the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) to write and execute smart contracts in C++. The EVM is a runtime environment for executing Ethereum smart contracts, and it supports other languages, including C++.

Benefits of Developing Smart Contracts in C++

One of the main benefits of developing smart contracts in C++ is that it can provide better performance than other languages. C++ is a compiled language, which means that it can be compiled into an executable binary that can be run directly on the Ethereum Virtual Machine. This can improve the performance of the smart contracts, as they can be executed quickly and efficiently.

Additionally, C++ is a type-safe language, which means that it can detect and prevent errors related to data types. This makes it easier to develop secure and reliable smart contracts.


Developing smart contracts in C++ is a viable option for developers who want to create secure and reliable applications. C++ provides better performance than other languages, and it is also a type-safe language, which makes it easier to develop secure smart contracts.

Video Link

To learn more about developing smart contracts in C++, watch this video: