Can Coinbase get your money back


Active Member
Jul 17, 2023
Can Coinbase get your money back?

Coinbase is a popular crypto exchange platform that has gained a lot of traction in recent years. It is often used to purchase, sell, and store cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. But what happens when you accidentally send coins to the wrong address, or if the recipient never receives the coins? Can Coinbase get your money back?

Restore Funds from Lost Wallet

Coinbase does not have the ability to directly retrieve lost funds. However, if you have lost access to your Coinbase wallet, you can contact Coinbase support via email or their 24/7 customer service line to submit a request to restore your funds. Coinbase will investigate the situation and may be able to recover your funds if they determine that it is in the best interests of the customer.

Reversal of Completed Transactions

Coinbase does not offer a reversal of completed transactions. If you have accidentally sent funds to the wrong address, it is not possible to retrieve the funds from Coinbase. You may be able to contact the recipient of the funds and negotiate a refund, but this is not guaranteed to be successful.

Preventing Loss of Funds

The best way to prevent the loss of funds is to take all necessary precautions before sending a transaction. This includes double-checking the transaction address, ensuring that you have enough funds to cover the transaction fees, and using a secure wallet that is not prone to hacking. Additionally, make sure to keep your recovery phrase safe and secure, as it is the only way to regain access to your wallet if you lose your password.


Coinbase does not have the ability to retrieve lost funds or reverse completed transactions. However, if you have lost access to your Coinbase wallet, you can contact Coinbase support to submit a request to restore your funds. To prevent the loss of funds, take all necessary precautions before sending a transaction and make sure to keep your recovery phrase safe and secure.

Video Demonstration

To understand how to take all necessary precautions before sending a transaction, watch this video from Coinbase: