Will You Ever Be A Wholecoiner?

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Super Mod
Super Mod
Jul 10, 2023
Can You Become a Wholecoiner in the Future?


The number of “wholecoiners,” individuals who own at least one whole bitcoin, is increasing due to the limited supply of the digital asset. As of Q2, 2023, over one million Bitcoin addresses held at least one whole coin, indicating that the peak of wholecoiners is approaching. With the fixed supply cap of bitcoin at 21 million, only a few million individuals can ever own a whole bitcoin. This scarcity has led to the emergence of a unique class of bitcoin holders known as wholecoiners, who see owning a whole bitcoin as a badge of honor and a vote of confidence in the long-term value of bitcoin.

However, as the price of bitcoin continues to rise, it is becoming increasingly difficult for individuals to purchase a whole coin. It is now comparable to buying a new car and is beyond the financial reach of most people, making the wholecoiner title even more exclusive. The number of wholecoiners is not limited by anything other than the supply cap, but estimates suggest that the theoretical maximum is between one and ten million, with a realistic expectation of about five million or less.

Blockstream CEO Adam Back has commented on the situation, expressing his desire to see 10 million wholecoiners but acknowledging the possibility that it may not be feasible because the demand for bitcoin would drive the price out of reach. This highlights the scarcity effect generated by the limited supply of bitcoin, which could significantly impact its future valuation. As more individuals become aware of bitcoin’s scarcity, its appeal as a store of value will grow, potentially leading to increased demand and price appreciation.

The rise of wholecoiners is evidence of the growing demand for bitcoin amidst its limited supply. This is likely to lead to intense competition for the digital asset in the future. While the exact number of wholecoiners is uncertain, one thing is clear: bitcoin’s limited supply sets it apart as a unique asset. As a result, it may continue to gain intrinsic value beyond the narrative of it being a Ponzi scheme.

In conclusion, the number of wholecoiners, individuals who own at least one whole bitcoin, is on the rise due to the scarcity of the digital asset. The limited supply of bitcoin has created a unique class of bitcoin holders who see owning a whole coin as a sign of confidence in its long-term value. However, as the price of bitcoin increases, it becomes increasingly difficult for individuals to purchase a whole coin, making the wholecoiner title more exclusive. The exact number of wholecoiners is uncertain, but bitcoin’s limited supply makes it a unique and valuable asset..


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