Who was the first Jedi ?



Who was the first Jedi?

The Jedi Order is one of the most iconic and influential organizations in the Star Wars universe. But who was the first Jedi? Was it a human, a being of another species, or something else entirely?

Throughout the Star Wars saga, we've seen many legendary Jedi, from Qui-Gon Jinn to Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda. But who was the very first? We know that the Jedi Order was founded over 25,000 years before the events of the movies, and that the first Jedi were powerful Force-users.

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The Jedi Order is one of the most iconic and well-known organizations in the Star Wars universe. It has been a source of fascination for generations of fans around the world. The question of who was the first Jedi has been asked for many years, and it is a topic that has been debated and discussed extensively. In this article, we will take a look at who the first Jedi was, and how the Order has evolved over time.

The First Jedi

The first Jedi was a Force-sensitive individual known as Nomi Sunrider. She was born on the planet Ossus in the year 4,999 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin). Nomi was trained in the ways of the Force by the Jedi Order, and she eventually became a powerful Jedi Master. She was a powerful Force user, and she was known for her skill in lightsaber combat.

The Evolution of the Jedi Order

The Jedi Order has evolved significantly since Nomi Sunrider first joined it. Over time, the Order has grown and changed, adapting to the changing times and the different challenges that it has faced. The Jedi have become more organized and structured, with a hierarchy of ranks and a code of conduct that all members must adhere to. The Order has also become more open to the public, with the Jedi Temple on Coruscant becoming a major tourist attraction.


The first Jedi was Nomi Sunrider, a Force-sensitive individual who was born on the planet Ossus in the year 4,999 BBY. She was trained in the ways of the Force by the Jedi Order, and she eventually became a powerful Jedi Master. Since then, the Order has evolved significantly, becoming more organized and structured, and more open to the public. The Jedi Order continues to be a source of fascination for generations of fans around the world.

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