What Will Be the Trade Value of Dogecoin upon Achieving the Market Cap of Bitcoin or Ethereum?

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Jul 10, 2023
Comparing Dogecoin with the Market Cap of Bitcoin and Ethereum

Comparisons between cryptocurrencies are a common practice, especially considering the competitive nature of the crypto market. This report aims to analyze where the price of Dogecoin (DOGE) would realistically be if its market cap were to reach the market cap of Bitcoin or Ethereum, the two largest cryptocurrencies.

Dogecoin with the Market Cap of Bitcoin:
Bitcoin, being the largest cryptocurrency, currently has a market cap of $521 billion. This is more than twice the market cap of Ethereum and represents around half of the total crypto market cap. To understand where the price of DOGE would be at the market cap of Bitcoin, CoinGecko’s Coin Comparison feature can be used.

The analysis reveals that if Dogecoin were to reach a market cap of $521 billion, the price of a single DOGE token would be $3.70. This represents an impressive 59-fold increase from its current price. Conversely, if Bitcoin were to have the market cap of Dogecoin, each BTC would be priced at $448.

Dogecoin with the Market Cap of Ethereum:
Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency in terms of market cap, standing at $196 billion. At this market cap, Ethereum’s ETH token is valued at $1,635, with a circulating supply of 120,225,429 ETH. By utilizing CoinGecko’s Coin Comparison feature, the projected price of Dogecoin at the market cap of Ethereum can be determined.

The analysis shows that if Dogecoin were to achieve a market cap of $196 billion, the price of one DOGE token would be $1.39. This represents a significant 22-fold increase from its current price. On the other hand, if Ethereum were to fall to the market cap of Dogecoin, its price would be only $72.53.

Circulating Supply and Price Differences:
The variations in price between the mentioned cryptocurrencies at the same market cap can be attributed to their circulating supply. Dogecoin has a circulating supply of over 141 billion DOGE, whereas Bitcoin has 19.48 million BTC and Ethereum has 120 million ETH. The higher circulating supply of Dogecoin contributes to its lower individual token price compared to Bitcoin and Ethereum.

In conclusion, if Dogecoin were to attain the market cap of Bitcoin, its price would be around $3.70 per token, representing a 59-fold increase. Similarly, if Dogecoin were to reach the market cap of Ethereum, it would be priced at $1.39, indicating a 22-fold increase. These comparisons highlight the significance of circulating supply in determining the individual token price at a specific market cap..

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