What are the risks and benefits of using Coincheck's OTC trading service for large trades ?


Jul 10, 2023
Recently, I've heard about Coincheck's OTC trading service which can be used for large trades. I'm curious to know what are the risks and benefits associated with it. As I'm relatively new to crypto trading, I'm not sure about its implications.

I'd love to hear from experienced traders about their experience with Coincheck's OTC trading service. What are the risks associated with large trades on this platform? How secure is it for making large trades? Do you have any tips for new traders on how to get the best out of this service? Are there any other benefits that I should be aware of when using Coincheck's OTC trading service?

I'd really appreciate any help from experienced traders in this regard. Any advice or tips would be highly appreciated.


Super Mod
Super Mod
Jul 10, 2023

Coincheck's OTC (Over-the-Counter) trading service is a popular way for large traders to purchase and sell cryptocurrencies. It is an alternative to traditional exchanges, providing a more secure and private way to trade large amounts of digital assets. In this article, we will discuss the risks and benefits of using Coincheck's OTC trading service for large trades.

Keywords: Coincheck, OTC, trading, large trades, risks, benefits.

Risks of Using Coincheck's OTC Trading Service for Large Trades

As with any trading service, there are risks associated with using Coincheck's OTC trading service for large trades. These risks include counterparty risk, liquidity risk, and market risk.

Counterparty risk refers to the risk that the other party in the transaction will not fulfill its obligations. This is a particular concern with OTC trading services since there is no central exchange or clearing house to guarantee the transaction.

Liquidity risk refers to the risk that the asset being traded is not easily convertible into cash. This can be an issue with OTC trading services since the liquidity of the market is not as deep as it is on a traditional exchange.

Market risk refers to the risk of adverse price movements in the market. This is a risk that is inherent to all trading activities, but it can be particularly acute with OTC trading services due to the lack of liquidity in the market.

Benefits of Using Coincheck's OTC Trading Service for Large Trades

Despite the risks, there are also a number of benefits to using Coincheck's OTC trading service for large trades. These benefits include increased privacy, lower fees, and faster settlement times.

The increased privacy provided by OTC trading services is one of the most attractive benefits. Since the transactions are not conducted on a public exchange, the identities of the parties involved in the transaction are not revealed. This makes it more difficult for malicious actors to target the parties involved in the transaction.

Another benefit of using Coincheck's OTC trading service for large trades is the lower fees associated with the service. Since the transactions are not conducted on a public exchange, the fees associated with the transaction are typically lower than those associated with a traditional exchange.

Finally, OTC trading services typically have faster settlement times than traditional exchanges. This is due to the fact that the transactions are conducted directly between the parties involved in the transaction, rather than through a third party. This can be beneficial for traders who need to quickly settle a large trade.


In conclusion, Coincheck's OTC trading service can be a beneficial way for large traders to purchase and sell cryptocurrencies. While there are risks associated with the service, the increased privacy, lower fees, and faster settlement times can make it an attractive option for those looking to trade large amounts of digital assets.