What are the common mistakes to avoid while setting stop-loss and take-profit orders on Kraken Pro ?


Jul 9, 2023
One of the most important steps of trading on Kraken Pro is setting stop-loss and take-profit orders. It can be a tricky process and if not done correctly, it can result in significant losses. Therefore, it is important to avoid common mistakes when setting these orders.

What are some of the most common mistakes to avoid when setting stop-loss and take-profit orders on Kraken Pro? Are there any best practices that traders can follow to ensure that they are setting these orders correctly? Are there any tools or resources that can help traders avoid making mistakes when setting stop-loss and take-profit orders? Any advice or experiences that experienced traders can share would be much appreciated.


Jul 10, 2023

Stop-loss and take-profit orders are two of the most important tools that traders use to manage their risk in the cryptocurrency market. They are used to set limits on the amount of money that can be lost or gained in a particular trade. However, setting these orders on Kraken Pro can be tricky and there are some common mistakes that traders should avoid. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common mistakes to avoid when setting stop-loss and take-profit orders on Kraken Pro. Stop-loss orders, take-profit orders, Kraken Pro, cryptocurrency market, risk management

Common Mistakes to Avoid

1. Not Setting a Stop-Loss Order: One of the most common mistakes traders make when setting stop-loss and take-profit orders on Kraken Pro is not setting a stop-loss order. A stop-loss order is an order to sell a security if it reaches a certain price. This is important for risk management and can help to limit losses if the market moves against you.

2. Not Setting a Take-Profit Order: Another common mistake traders make when setting stop-loss and take-profit orders on Kraken Pro is not setting a take-profit order. A take-profit order is an order to buy a security if it reaches a certain price. This helps to ensure that profits are taken if the market moves in your favor.

3. Not Setting a Time Limit: Another mistake traders make when setting stop-loss and take-profit orders on Kraken Pro is not setting a time limit. A time limit is important because it ensures that the order is executed within a certain time frame. This helps to avoid slippage, which can occur when the market moves too quickly for the order to be filled.

4. Not Setting a Price Limit: Another mistake traders make when setting stop-loss and take-profit orders on Kraken Pro is not setting a price limit. A price limit helps to ensure that the order is executed at a certain price. This helps to avoid slippage and also helps to protect against volatility in the market.

5. Not Setting a Volatility Limit: Another mistake traders make when setting stop-loss and take-profit orders on Kraken Pro is not setting a volatility limit. A volatility limit helps to ensure that the order is not executed if the market is too volatile. This helps to protect against losses if the market moves too quickly.


In conclusion, setting stop-loss and take-profit orders on Kraken Pro can be tricky and there are some common mistakes that traders should avoid. These include not setting a stop-loss order, not setting a take-profit order, not setting a time limit, not setting a price limit, and not setting a volatility limit. By avoiding these mistakes, traders can ensure that their orders are executed correctly and that their risk is managed effectively.