USDT-denominated bond introduced

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Aug 7, 2023
Bitfinex Securities, a subsidiary of the crypto exchange Bitfinex, has launched the first bond denominated in USDT (Tether). The bond, called ALT2611, is a 36-month, 10% coupon bond issued by Mikro Kapital and distributed from November. Mikro Kapital is a Luxembourg-based company known for its expertise in managing securities and Tokens. The bond is priced at USDT 100 with a minimum Investment of USD 125,000 and has an annual yield of 10% with coupons paid quarterly.

Alternatives, a securitisation fund established in Luxembourg and managed by Mikro Kapital, acquires debt and equity risks of microfinance companies, small financial institutions, leasing companies, banks, or credit unions. Its main operations are in Italy, Romania, Moldova, and emerging markets along the Silk Road. The fund raises funds primarily through the issuance of medium-term fixed coupon bonds.

Bitfinex is a crypto exchange owned by the iFinex Group, which also includes Tether. Bitfinex Securities is the security token subsidiary of Bitfinex, registered and licensed in the AIFC and El Salvador. It provides a regulated global solution for the issuance and secondary Trading of tokenized securities. Bitfinex Securities was the first global digital asset platform to be authorized and registered with the AIFC and the first to be licensed under El Salvador’s new digital asset regime.

Security tokens, such as the ALT2611 bond, are tokenized representations of securities that can be traded on exchanges. In the case of ALT2611, the tokens can be traded on Bitfinex Securities, but only with USDT. This bond is the first tokenized bond that can be freely exchanged for USDT in a secondary market. The use of USDT as the underlying denomination asset creates a new financial ecosystem for raising capital in the financial markets.

Overall, this Development represents an exciting step in the crypto and security industry, with Bitfinex Securities and Tether leading the way in introducing tokenized financial products to the market. The use of USDT as the underlying denomination asset enhances liquidity and potentially opens up new opportunities for capital raises. It will be interesting to see how this new era of tokenized bonds and the integration of digital assets into traditional financial markets unfolds in the coming years..


#bond #denominated #USDT #launched
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