TRON DAO Ventures Injects $2 Million into CRV and Curve to Set Up TRON and BTTC Platforms

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Super Mod
Super Mod
Jul 9, 2023
TRON DAO Ventures, the Investment arm of TRON DAO, has invested $2 million in CRV Tokens and formed a strategic partnership with Curve, a decentralized exchange known for its automated Market makers (AMMs) for stablecoin Trading. TRON founder Justin Sun expressed his support for Curve after a recent hack, stating that Curve is an essential infrastructure for the Blockchain industry. TRON also forged a partnership with Curve to introduce a stUSDT pool on the platform. stUSDT is the world’s first rebase real-world asset (RWA) protocol on the TRON blockchain. TRON DAO Ventures’ investment in Curve highlights TRON’s ecosystem support, and Curve will integrate with both the TRON and BTTC networks.

The collaboration between TRON, BTTC, and Curve is expected to generate important synergies for the industry. Curve offers advantages in terms of reduced costs and time inefficiencies, and it supports prominent public blockchains such as Ethereum, Arbitrum, and Avalanche. This collaboration will help further develop TRON’s DeFi ecosystem, while TRON will share its secure and cutting-edge products with Curve. The integration between Curve and BTTC, the industry’s first cross-chain interoperability protocol, will fuel the growth of DeFi ecosystems and DEX platforms. BTTC supports cross-chain functionality between TRON, Ethereum, and BNB Chain and plans to introduce zero-knowledge (ZK) proof technology later this year.

TRON DAO is a community-governed DAO dedicated to accelerating the decentralization of the internet through blockchain technology and dApps. TRON was founded in 2017 by Justin Sun and has gained traction since its MainNet launch in 2018. The TRON network has over 179 million user accounts, more than 6 billion transactions, and over $13 billion in total value locked (TVL). TRON also hosts the largest circulating supply of USD Tether (USDT) stablecoin globally. In 2021, TRON completed full decentralization and became a community-governed DAO. TRON was designated as the national blockchain for the Commonwealth of Dominica and partnered with the government to develop its national blockchain infrastructure.

Curve Finance, founded by Michael Egorov, is a DEX built on an AMM model. It focuses on the trading of stablecoins and synthetic assets across different chains, including Ethereum, Fantom, Polygon, Avalanche, Arbitrum, and Optimism.

In conclusion, TRON DAO Ventures’ investment in Curve and the partnership between TRON, BTTC, and Curve will bring significant advancements to the DeFi ecosystem. This collaboration will support the growth of both TRON’s and Curve’s ecosystems and promote cross-chain interoperability. TRON’s support and financial backing will boost Curve’s recovery from the recent hack, and users can expect a more vibrant DeFi ecosystem in the crypto industry..

#TRON #DAO #Ventures #Invests #Million #CRV #Curve #Launch #TRON #BTTC
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