These 15 Altcoins Exploded by Coinbase Doping: 435x Did!


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Super Mod
Jul 9, 2023
With the meme coin craze finding its place in the Layer 2 Base network, the crypto money world is witnessing the craze once again. Over the past 48 hours, numerous coins have experienced unprecedented fluctuations. Some Tokens have witnessed gains of several hundred to several thousand times. Here are some of the coins that have made a splash on the Coinbase-powered Base network…

On the Coinbase-backed network, these 15 coins have jumped

Base, the Layer 2 network developed by Coinbase, has seen a notable increase in activity over the past 24 hours. According to data from DEX Screener, the network recorded more than 276,000 transactions yesterday (July 30) alone. The emergence of the meme coin trend on the Base network has been the driving force behind the massive user flow to this new platform. Notably, the meme coin BALD has increased more than 20,000 times in the last 24 hours. Other coins, such as BASED, experienced a 5,580-fold increase. In addition, OPTISM saw a staggering 435-fold increase in value. You can see the tokens on BASE and the amount of rise in the table below:

As can be seen in the table, there are many new cryptocurrencies such as TOSHI, LEET, Ben, BEAN, RCKT. DOGE-like names like BOGE also attract attention. Base, the layer 2 network developed by Coinbase, is fairly new. The exchange recently launched the Base mainnet for developers on July 13. However, the official bridge was not introduced by the project team. That’s why the network isn’t quite ready for mass adoption yet. “Cryptodegen” enthusiasts had to transfer ETH to the Base network by sending ETH to smart contracts. According to data from Dun Analytics, more than 25,000 ETH (equivalent to 40 million USD) have been transferred to this network. Of this, 9,800 ETH is in the BALD/WETH pool on LeetSwap, a decentralized exchange on Base.

The network does not have a token yet

Prior to its recent surge, Base had successfully completed the testnet phase with more than one million active wallet addresses operating on the network. The project team has stated that there are currently no plans to distribute tokens for this layer 2 network. The continuous Development of the Coinbase-backed network is critical. Furthermore, the potential to ease congestion on the Ethereum mainnet is undoubtedly exciting for the Blockchain industry. However, it is very important for users and investors to be vigilant considering the risks inherent in the cryptocurrency world. Because those that rise fast, such as these meme coins on the Base network, may experience a sharp decline. Base…
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