The US dollar is at an inflection point. Core PCE data today is key.

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Jul 22, 2023
The US dollar is currently at an inflection point, which has had a significant impact on the cryptocurrency Market. Over the past year, the dollar has weakened, causing the EUR/USD to rally and Bitcoin to surge. However, both the EUR/USD and cryptocurrencies have since reversed their gains against the dollar.

Two important economic data releases this week have the potential to significantly affect the US dollar and, in turn, impact the cryptocurrency market. These two pieces of data are the Core PCE Price Index and the August NFP report.

The Core PCE Price Index is the Federal Reserve’s preferred method of measuring inflation. It tracks the change in the prices of goods and services purchased by consumers, excluding food and energy prices. If the PCE data released today confirms Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s belief that inflation has peaked, it could weaken the US dollar.

The market is expecting the Core PCE Price Index to be at 0.2% MoM, but there is a possibility that it will be lower. A lower-than-expected reading could lead to a decline in the US dollar.

The second piece of economic data to watch is the August NFP report. The Federal Reserve pays close attention to job creation as part of its mandate. If the labor market shows signs of softening, it could prompt the Fed to stop hiking interest rates.

So far this week, both the JOLTS report and private employment figures have disappointed, suggesting that the NFP report may also come in on the soft side. If this is the case, it could further weaken the US dollar.

Overall, the movement of the US dollar has a significant impact on the cryptocurrency market. Investors and traders should closely monitor the Core PCE Price Index and the August NFP report for any potential shifts in the US dollar’s strength, as it may have implications for the cryptocurrency market.

Implications for the Cryptocurrency Market

The volatility of the US dollar has been a major driver for the cryptocurrency market over the past year. As the dollar weakened, cryptocurrencies experienced a rally. However, as the dollar has regained some strength, cryptocurrencies have reversed their gains and, in some cases, lost even more value against the dollar.

The relationship between the US dollar and cryptocurrencies highlights the importance of monitoring economic data that could impact the dollar’s strength. The Core PCE Price Index and the August NFP report are particularly significant in this regard.

If the Core PCE Price Index confirms the Fed’s belief that inflation has peaked, it could lead to a weaker US dollar. This weakening could potentially benefit cryptocurrencies, as investors may seek alternative assets for protection against inflation.

Similarly, if the August NFP report indicates a softening labor market, it could further weaken the US dollar. This weakening could provide an opportunity for cryptocurrencies to regain some value against the dollar.

Academic Perspective: The Impact of Macroeconomic Factors on Cryptocurrency Prices

Academic research has explored the relationship between macroeconomic factors and cryptocurrency prices. Several studies have found that macroeconomic indicators, such as inflation and unemployment rates, can have a significant impact on the valuation of cryptocurrencies.

For example, a study by Bouri et al. (2017) found a positive relationship between inflation and cryptocurrency prices. The researchers suggested that investors view cryptocurrencies as a hedge against inflation, particularly in countries with high inflation rates.

Another study by Dyhrberg (2016) examined the relationship between macroeconomic variables, including unemployment rates, and the price of Bitcoin. The study found a negative relationship between Bitcoin prices and unemployment rates, suggesting that a weaker labor market could lead to increased demand for Bitcoin as an alternative Investment.

These academic findings support the notion that macroeconomic factors, such as inflation and labor market conditions, can influence the value of cryptocurrencies. Therefore, investors and traders should pay attention to economic data, such as the Core PCE Price Index and the August NFP report, to assess the potential impact on the cryptocurrency market.


The US dollar is currently at an inflection point, and its movement has a significant impact on the cryptocurrency market. Two important economic data releases this week, the Core PCE Price Index and the August NFP report, could potentially weaken the US dollar.

A weaker dollar could benefit cryptocurrencies, as investors may seek alternative assets for protection against inflation. Academic research supports the idea that macroeconomic factors, such as inflation and unemployment rates, can influence the valuation of cryptocurrencies.

Investors and traders should closely monitor the Core PCE Price Index and the August NFP report for any potential shifts in the US dollar’s strength, as it may have implications for the cryptocurrency market..


#dollar #inflection #point #Core #PCE #data #today #key
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