The Block Kicks off New BitKey Wallet’s Beta Testing

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New Member
Jul 18, 2023
Beta Testing for New BitKey Wallet Begins with a Bang


Financial services giant Block is set to launch its first self-custody Bitcoin wallet, called “BitKey.” The wallet will be integrated with Block’s global partners, Cash App and Coinbase. A beta tester recently shared an image of the wallet, which has a compact hexagon-shaped design and includes a fingerprint sensor for added security. BitKey’s public beta testing is set to start soon, with the global launch planned for later this year. The wallet features a mobile application, hardware device, and recovery tools, allowing users to securely add, send, receive, and transfer bitcoin. Coinbase expressed its alignment with BitKey’s vision of making self-custody more accessible and empowering individuals to take ownership of their bitcoin. The wallet will also offer convenient bitcoin purchasing through integrated third-party partners. Block aims to competitively price the hardware wallet to encourage investor engagement. With concerns around the safety of bitcoin storage growing, self-custody options like BitKey are becoming increasingly important. Jack Dorsey, founder of Twitter and Square, has previously hinted at launching a bitcoin hardware wallet to give customers control over their holdings. More details about BitKey, including the release date and pricing structure, are yet to be announced..


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