Ripple Revealed: An Exclusive Interview with David Bchiri

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Aug 7, 2023
XRPL Commons is a foundation incorporated in Paris that serves as a hub for developers and entrepreneurs within the Ripple ecosystem. The foundation focuses on three pillars: education, corporate adoption, and community organization. The team behind XRPL Commons aims to spread awareness about the Ripple ecosystem, support mainstream adoption of Blockchain technology in corporate settings, and create a sense of belonging within the developer community.

Education Initiatives

XRPL Commons offers various educational initiatives to promote knowledge and skill Development in the blockchain space. They provide free in-person training sessions in their headquarters in Paris, as well as online classes for remote learning. Additionally, XRPL Commons partners with universities to train teachers who can then educate students on blockchain technology and its applications.

Corporate Adoption

The foundation is actively engaged in opening conversations with corporate executives, such as CEOs, CFOs, and CTOs, to discuss the potential of blockchain technology for their companies. XRPL Commons aims to educate these executives on the benefits and possibilities of blockchain beyond the hype of NFTs and cryptocurrencies. They work with a wide range of industries, including food companies, banks, insurance companies, and hedge funds, to explore how blockchain can enhance trust and authenticity in their operations.

Community Building

XRPL Commons recognizes the importance of community in the Ripple ecosystem and seeks to foster a sense of belonging among its members. The community primarily consists of core developers who are building on the XRPL protocol or utilizing the XRP ledger. The foundation aims to support the entire value chain for developers by offering various programs and initiatives.

One such program is the XRPL grant program, which provides financial support to developers working on projects related to the XRP ledger. XRPL Commons recently launched the Aquarium program, which offers a 12-week incubation period in their Paris headquarters for selected projects to turn their ideas into prototypes. The program also provides the opportunity to apply for the XRPL grant program.

Future Focus: DeFi and Decentralized ID Solutions

XRPL Commons is focused on future developments in the blockchain industry, particularly in the areas of decentralized finance (DeFi) and decentralized ID solutions. They aim to support developers in creating new decentralized applications (dApps) on the XRPL and are actively exploring partnerships and collaborations with public institutions, such as the French passport and ID printing agency, to explore the use of blockchain in identity verification.


XRPL Commons plays a crucial role within the Ripple ecosystem by promoting education, corporate adoption, and community building. Their initiatives aim to bridge the skill gap in the blockchain space, facilitate the adoption of blockchain technology in corporate settings, and provide a supportive environment for developers within the community. With a focus on decentralized finance and decentralized ID solutions, XRPL Commons is positioning itself at the forefront of innovation in the blockchain industry..


#interview #Ripple #David #Bchiri
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