Report: Stronghold’s Proposal to Use Tire Burning for Bitcoin Mining Sparks Outrage in the United States

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Super Mod
Super Mod
Jul 9, 2023
Stronghold Digital Mining, a leading cryptocurrency mining company, is facing backlash for its plan to use tire-derived fuel in its operations. The company aims to burn shredded vehicle tires to generate energy for mining bitcoin. However, this method of disposal is considered toxic and harmful to the environment and human health.

Burning tires releases toxic chemicals into the air, water, and soil, which can lead to various health issues such as cancer, lung diseases, and birth defects. Despite claims from Stronghold that it will repurpose waste, many argue that the process still causes pollution and poses a significant risk to local communities.

Stronghold has already obtained a permit to test the use of tire-derived power and is seeking authorization to use 78,000 tons of it. The company spokesperson, Naomi Harrington, justified the use of tire fuel by stating that it is necessary when the quality of the coal refuse is low in energy content. However, critics argue that the only reason Stronghold wants to employ tire-derived fuel is to reduce costs.

The US Environmental Protection Agency has previously described burning vehicle tires as a preferable method to landfilling them. However, residents of Carbon County, Pennsylvania, where Stronghold’s facilities are located, protested against the plan. Many locals believe that burning tires to fuel bitcoin mining, which offers no value to the local community, is unacceptable.

Lawyers and environmental activists have also voiced their disapproval of the plan. Charles McPhedran, an attorney at the nonprofit law organization Earthjustice, highlighted the health risks associated with burning tires and described it as a last resort for disposal.

In addition to using tire-derived fuel, Stronghold has already turned to coal waste to generate electricity for its mining activities. The company extracts coal ash from a mine in Pennsylvania that has been abandoned for decades. By burning the coal waste, Stronghold aims to power its supercomputers and avoid straining the national electricity system.

Despite presenting further details about its coal waste extraction process, the use of both tire-derived fuel and coal waste by Stronghold continues to raise concerns among green activists. Many argue that the company’s focus on cost reduction overlooks the potential environmental and health consequences of these practices.

Overall, Stronghold Digital Mining’s plan to use tire-derived fuel in its bitcoin mining operations has sparked controversy and opposition from locals, lawyers, and environmental activists. The environmental and health risks associated with burning tires and the questionable motives behind the company’s choices have intensified the debate surrounding cryptocurrency mining’s environmental impact..


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