Report: SBF Files Request for Weekday Release from Jail to Facilitate Defense Preparation

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Super Mod
Super Mod
Jul 9, 2023
Less than two weeks after having his bail revoked, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) is now requesting that he be allowed to have his freedom returned to him during weekdays. His legal team argues that the conditions in jail are too restrictive and do not provide him with the necessary circumstances to prepare for his upcoming trial. SBF’s $250 million bond was revoked on August 11th after his private diary was leaked, revealing inappropriate interactions with former FTX colleagues that were seen as witness-tampering by the judge. Since then, SBF has been held at the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC), which is regarded as one of the worst prisons in New York City.

The conditions at the MDC include plastic-rich meals, poor plumbing, and overcrowding. Additionally, the prison’s library mainly consists of dime novels. It is speculated that SBF’s request to be considered a regular weekend offender may have been inspired by these books. Moreover, SBF’s lawyers argue that being locked up in the MDC prevents him from accessing and reviewing the evidence he needs to prepare for his trial, including three-quarters of a million pages of Slack communications, which were produced by the government just last week and were supposed to be provided months ago.

The prosecution, however, accuses SBF of being late in presenting his defense strategy and requests that he be disqualified from using his planned defense if he fails to submit all information related to it within the next few days. Judge Kaplan, who presides over the case, declined to rule in favor of SBF and instead requested alternative solutions to the document review problem. One suggestion was to provide all documents on hard drives that would be delivered to the MDC, but this was deemed unfeasible. Another proposed alternative was to transfer SBF to a smaller prison in the county where he could have supervised internet access. However, both the prosecution and prison officials opposed this idea. For now, SBF will remain in the same facility while Judge Kaplan reviews his situation.

In conclusion, Sam Bankman-Fried’s legal team is requesting that his weekday freedom be restored, arguing that the conditions at the Brooklyn MDC are too restrictive for him to properly prepare for his upcoming trial. The prosecution accuses him of being late in presenting his defense strategy and wants him disqualified from using it unless he provides all relevant information. Judge Kaplan declined to rule in favor of SBF and is exploring alternative solutions to the document review problem. For now, SBF will remain in the MDC until a decision is made by the judge..


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