Report: Ripple (XRP) Gains Popularity among Young Investors in South Korea

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Super Mod
Super Mod
Jul 9, 2023
XRP, the cryptocurrency associated with Ripple, has become the most preferred Investment option for South Korean investors in their twenties, surpassing Bitcoin and Ethereum. According to recent findings, XRP comprises 20.7% of their investment portfolios, while Bitcoin and Ethereum together make up 17.5%. This preference for XRP is unique to this age group, as investors in their thirties exhibit the highest investment weighting in Bitcoin and Ethereum at 28.2%.

The report from Bithumb, a South Korean crypto exchange, also revealed that investors in their twenties prefer “aggressive” investing and show a preference for altcoins with greater volatility over Bitcoin and Ethereum. More than 82% of investors in this age bracket lean towards altcoins with greater volatility, demonstrating their willingness to take on higher risks for potentially higher profits.

Kim Dong-hwan, CEO of virtual asset specialist Wonderframe, suggests that investors in their twenties prioritize short-term profits over long-term investments. This aligns with the data that shows their focus on altcoins with higher volatility.

XRP’s popularity in South Korea is not surprising given the heavy concentration of XRP Trading activity on local Crypto Exchanges. Volumes on exchanges like Upbit and Bithumb have often exceeded those of Bitcoin and Ethereum. In fact, a study conducted last year by leading South Korean crypto exchanges found that XRP was the second-most popular crypto asset in the country, after Bitcoin.

Overall, the data highlights the unique investment preferences among different age groups in South Korea. While investors in their twenties prioritize XRP and altcoins with greater volatility, investors in their thirties have a higher weighting for Bitcoin and Ethereum. This indicates that younger investors are more willing to take risks and explore alternative investment options in the crypto Market..


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