Report: JP Morgan Investigating Blockchain-Based Deposit Token for Accelerating Cross-Border Settlements

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Jul 10, 2023
JP Morgan, the American financial services giant, is reportedly developing a new type of token called a deposit token that aims to speed up cross-border payments and settlements. The firm has already built most of the necessary infrastructure for the token but is awaiting approval from regulators in the United States.

A deposit token functions as a digital coin that represents a deposit claim against a commercial bank. It is essentially a digital version of the deposits held in customers’ accounts. Initially denominated in dollars, the token may eventually become available in other fiat currencies as well.

JP Morgan has clarified that the deposit token is not intended as a replacement for stablecoins or for purchasing cryptocurrencies. While stablecoins are designed for settlements in the crypto sector, deposit Tokens serve similar functions within the traditional financial system.

If regulators approve, JP Morgan plans to launch the deposit token for corporate clients within a year. The goal is to make traditional settlements faster and more cost-effective using this new product.

A spokesperson from JP Morgan stated that the bank recognizes the potential benefits of deposit tokens but also understands the need for careful Regulation and Development. The firm believes that its existing Blockchain infrastructure would be able to support the launch of deposit tokens relatively quickly if there is sufficient demand.

This move would mark a significant step forward in JP Morgan’s blockchain plans. In 2022, the bank partnered with the Monetary Authority of Singapore for Project Guardian, a pilot program testing the feasibility of asset tokenization. During this program, the bank explored the representation of securities using tokenized deposits issued by deposit-taking institutions on public blockchains.

JP Morgan conducted a study earlier this year that highlighted the potential of deposit tokens. The bank suggested that these tokens could become a widely used form of money within the digital asset ecosystem and could even see greater adoption than stablecoins.

It is worth noting that the deposit token would not function in the same way as JP Morgan’s JPM Coin, which was introduced in 2019 to enable corporate clients to transfer their dollars and euros. The infrastructure of the deposit token would be linked to the bank’s compliance systems to ensure regulatory compliance.

Overall, JP Morgan’s exploration of deposit tokens reflects the growing interest in blockchain technology and its potential to transform the financial industry. If successfully launched, deposit tokens could significantly enhance the efficiency and speed of cross-border payments and settlements..


#Morgan #Explores #BlockchainBased #Deposit #Token #Faster #CrossBorder #Settlements #Report
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