Reason for DNS Hijacking on DeFi Identified by CertiK

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Jul 10, 2023
Cyber adversaries have stolen millions of digital assets through DNS hijacking attacks, targeting users’ wallet seed phrases and creating fraudulent websites that resemble legitimate ones. These attacks on Domain Name Systems (DNSs) have had a significant impact on Web3, the decentralized web. To combat these challenges, transitioning to decentralized frontends has emerged as a practical solution, according to a report by CertiK.

DNS hijacking is an attack that targets a critical component of Internet infrastructure. It can render a public DNS service inaccessible or redirect users to malicious websites. Attackers manipulate the DNS by replacing the legitimate IP with a malicious server IP, allowing them to intercept users’ DNS queries and direct them to fraudulent websites without their knowledge.

Several incidents of DNS hijacking attacks have occurred in the cryptocurrency space. CreamFinance and PancakeSwap reported such attacks in 2021, while two public RPC gateways offered by Ankr for Polygon and Fantom Wallets were compromised in the following year. Additionally, several other platforms, including MM.Finance, Curve Finance, Celer Protocol, SpiritSwap, and QuickSwap, also reported frontend breaches due to DNS hijacking attacks. These incidents highlight the vulnerability of Web3 projects to the interconnected Security of Web2.

CertiK stresses that DNS credential theft and vulnerabilities arising from third-party domain service providers pose significant challenges to Web3 projects. The issue lies in the centralized domain infrastructure rather than the core Web3 protocols themselves. To mitigate these risks, CertiK recommends adopting a combination of IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) and ENS (Ethereum Name Service) as decentralized and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)-based solutions. These systems prioritize content authenticity, reduce points of failure, and minimize vulnerabilities associated with centralized control and authority.

The report emphasizes the importance of transitioning towards decentralized infrastructure and strengthening both human and technological defense measures to ensure the future security of Web3 projects and their users. By embracing decentralized solutions and reducing reliance on centralized domain infrastructure, the Web3 ecosystem can enhance its resilience against DNS hijacking attacks and mitigate the risks posed by cyber adversaries.

In conclusion, DNS hijacking attacks pose a significant threat to the security of digital assets and the web infrastructure. Transitioning to decentralized frontends and adopting decentralized solutions like IPFS and ENS can help mitigate these risks and enhance the security of Web3 projects. A strong focus on strengthening defense measures is crucial to safeguarding the future of Web3 and protecting users from phishing attacks and malware downloads..


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