Pro-XRP Lawyer Examines Bitcoin and Says It’s Overhyped – Btc News

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Jul 16, 2023

Pro-XRP Lawyer Examines Bitcoin and Says It’s Overhyped

Despite Bitcoin’s super dominance in the global crypto world, pro-XRP lawyer Bill Morgan criticized the world’s first digital currency by sharing a post about X. According to the post shared today, April 27, Morgan sparked global excitement among crypto market participants by stating that Bitcoin was “overhyped.”

Morgan’s criticism of Bitcoin is not just a standalone comment, but a part The complex narrative emerging in the crypto industry. The ongoing legal battle between Consensys and the US SEC over the security status of ETH has been a hot topic. In this context, Morgan’s contrasting views on Bitcoin’s dominance and altcoins witnessing regulatory challenges reveal a new layer of intrigue and complexity in the crypto world.

Morgan’s Harsh Criticism of Bitcoin: What’s the Scope?

Taking up the case filed by Consensys, Morgan sued the SEC for considering ETH as a security and interestingly drew attention to Bitcoin. Especially since the identity of Bitcoin’s creators remains a mystery, the token continues to enjoy endless market advantages.

Morgan justifies this by saying: “The digital asset is subject to significantly less scrutiny than other cryptocurrencies because the BTC creator(s) are pseudonymous and the SEC cannot find its backers even though the token is the most marketed.” At the same time, Morgan calls this phenomenon a skewed market and underscores the complexity regulators present the cryptocurrency landscape with. Bitcoin, on the other hand, continues to progress with its cryptographic journey.

Yes, I do so because of market and regulatory advantages that do not arise from fundamentals or technology, but because regulators cannot find a party to target. This is a kind of power from a certain perspective, but it is not the kind of power that a person can withstand…

— bill morgan (@Belisarius2020) April 27, 2024

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Consensys and US SEC

Consensys recently filed a lawsuit with the US SEC and filed a lawsuit against the regulator to prevent ETH from being recognized as a security. The Ethereum developer filed the lawsuit in the District Court for the Northern District of Texas on April 26, taking a notable step against regulatory scrutiny surrounding cryptocurrencies.

However, according to parofix Media, former ETH advisor Steven Nerayoff claimed yesterday that ETH is a security. This has led to further speculation among crypto market participants, as the combination of these factors underscores the complexities and distortions in the crypto market. Moreover, as regulatory uncertainties intersect with the unique characteristics of individual cryptocurrencies, broader market dynamics are shifting in unprecedented ways.

Meanwhile, it’s also worth noting that ripple, the company behind XRP, is currently fighting the US SEC in the courts. The lawsuit alleges that Ripple violated federal securities laws and that XRP subsequently recorded sluggish performance.

Also Read: DTCC Says ETFs with Bitcoin Exposure Will Have Zero Collateral Value for Loans

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The content presented may contain the personal opinion of the author and is subject to market conditions. Do your market research before investing in cryptocurrencies. Neither the author nor the publication accepts any liability for your personal financial loss.


#ProXRP #Lawyer #Examines #Bitcoin #Overhyped
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