North Korean Hacker Group Lazarus Possesses $40M In Stolen Bitcoin

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New Member
Jul 18, 2023
Lazarus, the North Korean Hacker Group, Holds $40 Million Worth of Bitcoin Obtained through Theft

”bitcoin-crypto” is a website that provides information on the latest news and developments in the world of cryptocurrencies, specifically focusing on Bitcoin. However, it is important to note that the opinions expressed on the website are the author’s own and may not necessarily reflect the views of

The website emphasizes that the information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as investment, financial, legal, tax, accounting, or any other form of advice. This means that individuals and entities should not rely on the information on the website for making investment decisions or any other financial actions.

Furthermore, states that the information provided does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement to buy or sell Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, or any other financial instruments. This means that readers should not interpret the information on the website as a suggestion to invest in or divest from cryptocurrencies or any other financial assets.

The website also mentions that forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon. This means that predictions or projections made on the website should not be taken as absolute truths or guarantees. Readers are advised to conduct their own research and analysis before making any financial decisions.

In addition to the disclaimer provided, the website clarifies that the opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of This means that different authors may have differing viewpoints on certain topics, and readers should consider multiple perspectives when forming their own opinions.

Overall, serves as a platform to provide information and news about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. However, readers are urged to exercise caution and not to interpret the information on the website as investment advice. It is important for individuals and entities to conduct their own research, consult with professional advisors, and make informed decisions based on their own analysis and judgement.

In summary, provides information on Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, but readers should not consider it as investment advice. The opinions expressed on the website are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of The information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment, financial, legal, tax, accounting, or any other form of advice. Readers are encouraged to do their own research, consult with professional advisors, and make informed decisions based on their own analysis and judgement..


#North #Korean #Hacker #Group #Lazarus #Possesses #40M #Stolen #Bitcoin
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