Issues with Layer 2 Technology at Coinbase Exchange

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Active Member
Jul 17, 2023
Coinbase recently launched its Layer 2 for Ethereum called Base, which aims to reduce transaction fees. However, there were some reported problems with block validation, causing a delay in block production. This delay was quickly resolved with an internal infrastructure upgrade.

Base is a Layer 2 solution that is specifically designed for Ethereum. It was created to address the issue of high transaction fees on the Ethereum network. As part of the launch of Base, Coinbase also announced the availability of native USDC Tokens on the platform. USDC is the second largest stablecoin by Market capitalization, and its integration with Base increases liquidity on the platform.

Despite being relatively new, Base has already attracted over $400 million in Total Value Locked (TVL), placing it among the top blockchains in terms of TVL. It is noteworthy that among the seven blockchains ahead of Base, four of them are Ethereum Layer 2 solutions. This reflects the popularity and demand for Layer 2 solutions on the Ethereum network.

Coinbase has also introduced a crypto lending service on Base, primarily targeted at large investors. This service allows users to obtain loans by using cryptocurrencies as collateral, similar to traditional banks’ brokerage services. This move positions Coinbase as a major financial services provider that incorporates cryptocurrencies into the traditional financial system.

Despite the availability of non-custodial Wallets and decentralized exchanges (DEX), the integration of cryptocurrencies into the traditional financial system is expected to increase with companies like Coinbase leading the way.

Academic Information:

Layer 2 Solutions for Ethereum: Enhancing Scalability and Reducing Fees
Layer 2 solutions for Ethereum aim to address the scalability issues and high transaction fees associated with the Ethereum network. These solutions work by building an additional layer on top of the main Ethereum Blockchain, allowing for faster and cheaper transactions. By offloading some of the processing to the Layer 2, the main blockchain can handle a higher volume of transactions, resulting in improved scalability and reduced fees.

Base as a Layer 2 Solution: Improving Transaction Fees on Ethereum
Base is a Layer 2 solution specifically developed for Ethereum. Its primary objective is to reduce transaction fees on the Ethereum network, making it more cost-effective for users. By moving transactions off the main Ethereum blockchain and onto the Layer 2, Base is able to achieve faster and cheaper transactions, benefiting users who were previously deterred by high fees.

Native USDC Integration: Increasing Liquidity on Base
The integration of native USDC tokens on Base enhances the liquidity of the platform. USDC is a stablecoin that is pegged to the US dollar, offering stability to users conducting transactions on Base. With increased liquidity, users have more options for Trading and transferring assets on the platform, further strengthening the ecosystem and attracting more users.

Challenges and Risks Associated with Layer 2 Solutions
While Layer 2 solutions offer benefits such as improved scalability and reduced fees, they also present challenges and risks. One such challenge is the need for regular upgrades and interventions to address technical issues. As seen with Base, delays in block production can occur due to internal infrastructure upgrades. Additionally, the decentralized nature of Layer 2 solutions can lead to the creation of scam coins, which exploit unsuspecting users. It is important for users to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with any new tokens or platforms built on Layer 2 solutions.

The Role of Coinbase in the Integration of Cryptocurrencies into the Financial System
Coinbase’s introduction of a crypto lending service on Base marks another step towards the integration of cryptocurrencies into the traditional financial system. By allowing users to obtain loans using cryptocurrencies as collateral, Coinbase is bridging the gap between traditional finance and the world of cryptocurrencies. This integration has the potential to increase the adoption of cryptocurrencies, as more users have access to financial services that incorporate digital assets.

Coinbase’s launch of Base as a Layer 2 solution for Ethereum demonstrates the company’s commitment to addressing the scalability and fee issues on the Ethereum network. Despite encountering some initial challenges, Base has gained significant traction, attracting millions of dollars in TVL. The addition of native USDC tokens and the introduction of a crypto lending service further enhance Base’s ecosystem and increase its appeal to users. As Coinbase continues to innovate and integrate cryptocurrencies into the traditional financial system, the adoption and acceptance of digital assets are likely to increase..


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