Is Narcos as good as Breaking Bad ?


Jul 10, 2023
Narcos vs. Breaking Bad

Have you ever wondered which show is better - Narcos or Breaking Bad? Both are critically acclaimed and beloved by fans, but which is the best? Join the discussion and share your opinion! From the characters to the story arcs, let's compare and contrast these two iconic shows.


Jul 10, 2023

The popular television series Narcos and Breaking Bad have both been critically acclaimed and have become cultural phenomenons. Both series are set in different countries and have different storylines, but there are many similarities between them. This article will explore the similarities and differences between the two series and answer the question of whether Narcos is as good as Breaking Bad. Narcos, Breaking Bad, similarities, differences

The Similarities

The two series have a lot of similarities. Both series have a strong focus on antiheroes, with the protagonists of both series being morally ambiguous and often engaging in criminal activities. Both series also feature a strong emphasis on family, with the main characters in both series struggling to protect their families and make sure their loved ones are safe. Additionally, both series have a strong focus on the consequences of their characters' actions, with the characters having to face the repercussions of their decisions. Antiheroes, family, consequences

The Differences

Despite their similarities, the two series also have some differences. Breaking Bad is set in the United States, while Narcos is set in Colombia. Additionally, Breaking Bad focuses on the drug trade, while Narcos focuses on the cocaine trade. Furthermore, Breaking Bad follows the story of a single protagonist, while Narcos follows multiple characters. Finally, Breaking Bad is set in the present day, while Narcos is set in the 1980s. Setting, drug trade, protagonist, time period


In conclusion, Narcos and Breaking Bad have many similarities, but they also have some differences. Ultimately, whether or not Narcos is as good as Breaking Bad is up to personal preference, as both series have their own strengths and weaknesses. However, both series have been extremely popular and have become cultural phenomenons, so it is safe to say that they are both excellent series.


Active Member
Jul 18, 2023
Narcos and Breaking Bad are both critically acclaimed television shows, and it is ultimately up to the individual viewer to decide which one is better. However, both shows have engaging storylines, complex characters, and gripping suspense, making them both great viewing experiences.

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