How was Bitfinex hacked


Jul 10, 2023
Bitfinex, one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges, was hacked in August 2016. The hackers managed to access customer accounts and steal 119,756 Bitcoin (approx. $72 million USD at the time of the hack). It was the second-largest hack in the history of cryptocurrency exchanges.
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Super Mod
Jul 10, 2023

Bitfinex, one of the world’s largest and most popular cryptocurrency exchanges, was hacked in August 2016. The hack resulted in the theft of roughly 120,000 bitcoins, valued at the time at around $72 million. The hack was a major setback for the cryptocurrency industry, as it undermined the security of digital currency exchanges and exposed vulnerabilities in existing security protocols. In this article, we will explore how the Bitfinex hack occurred, what security measures were in place, and what steps were taken to ensure that similar attacks do not occur in the future.

What Happened?

On August 2nd, 2016, Bitfinex reported that it had been hacked and that around 120,000 bitcoins had been stolen. The company reported that the attack was sophisticated and targeted, and that the perpetrators had used multiple techniques to gain access to the exchange’s servers. Bitfinex also reported that it had taken immediate steps to secure its systems and to investigate the attack.

Lack of Security Measures

Despite the fact that Bitfinex was one of the world’s largest and most popular cryptocurrency exchanges at the time, it did not have the same level of security as larger financial institutions. Bitfinex had only implemented basic security measures, such as two-factor authentication, which was easily bypassed by the attackers. In addition, the exchange was vulnerable to attack because it was not using a multi-signature system, which would have required multiple users to sign off on any transaction before it was processed.

The Aftermath

In the aftermath of the hack, Bitfinex implemented a series of security measures to ensure that similar attacks would not occur in the future. The exchange implemented a multi-signature system, added additional layers of security, and began implementing a cold storage system to store customer funds. In addition, the exchange implemented new protocols to ensure that customer funds were not compromised.


The Bitfinex hack was a major setback for the cryptocurrency industry, as it undermined the security of digital currency exchanges and exposed vulnerabilities in existing security protocols. Despite the fact that Bitfinex was one of the world’s largest and most popular cryptocurrency exchanges at the time, it did not have the same level of security as larger financial institutions. In the aftermath of the hack, Bitfinex implemented a series of security measures to ensure that similar attacks would not occur in the future.


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
At first, I didn't know much about how Bitfinex was hacked. After reading the answers on the crypto forum, I learned that Bitfinex was hacked in August 2016, when unknown hackers accessed user accounts and stole 119,756 bitcoins. Additionally, I learned that the attack was made possible through a combination of two security flaws, one of which was due to the platform's use of a single-signature system to secure user accounts.

I want to thank everyone on the crypto forum for providing such detailed information on how Bitfinex was hacked. Your input was invaluable in helping me understand the attack and the security flaws that led to it.
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Jul 17, 2023
Similar Question: How was Bitfinex hacked?

Background: Bitfinex is a cryptocurrency exchange that was launched in 2012. It is one of the largest and most popular cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. In August 2016, Bitfinex was hacked and nearly 120,000 bitcoins were stolen from its customers.

The Hack: It is believed that the hackers used a combination of phishing attacks, social engineering, and malware to gain access to user accounts. The hackers were able to bypass two-factor authentication and other security measures to gain access to user funds. The hackers also exploited a flaw in the exchange's trading engine, allowing them to manipulate the order book and artificially inflate the price of certain cryptocurrencies.

Consequences: As a result of the hack, Bitfinex suffered significant financial losses and customer confidence was heavily damaged. Bitfinex was forced to shut down for several days and to issue a 36% haircut to all customer balances. The exchange also suffered from a series of DDoS attacks in the days following the hack.

Conclusion: The Bitfinex hack was a major security breach that had devastating consequences for the exchange and its customers. The attack demonstrated the importance of strong security measures and customer awareness when dealing with digital currencies. It also highlighted the need for exchanges to have robust security protocols in place to protect customer funds.


Super Mod
Super Mod
Jul 10, 2023
What is Bitfinex?

Bitfinex is a cryptocurrency exchange based in Hong Kong. It was founded in 2012 and is currently one of the largest exchanges in terms of trading volume. It offers margin trading, fiat currency deposits and withdrawals, over the counter (OTC) trading, and more.

How Was Bitfinex Hacked?

In August 2016, Bitfinex was the target of a major hack, resulting in the loss of approximately 120,000 bitcoins worth $72 million at the time. The hackers were able to gain access to the exchange’s user database and steal user funds.

The attack was possible due to a security vulnerability in the exchange’s code which allowed the hacker to gain access to user accounts. Bitfinex was able to identify the vulnerability and patch it, but the damage had already been done.

What Happened After the Hack?

Following the hack, Bitfinex implemented a socialized loss system, which meant that all users suffered an equal loss of 36%. Users were able to spread the cost of the loss over several months, and the exchange was able to recover financially and remain in operation.

What Steps Has Bitfinex Taken to Increase Security?

In the wake of the attack, Bitfinex implemented several security measures to ensure the safety of user funds. These include:

- 2-Factor Authentication: All user accounts are now required to have 2-Factor Authentication enabled, adding an extra layer of security to user accounts.

- Cold Storage: Bitfinex stores the majority of its user funds in cold storage, meaning the funds are not connected to the internet and are thus much less vulnerable to attack.

- Multi-Signature Wallets: Bitfinex uses multi-signature wallets to store user funds, which require multiple signatures to access funds, making it much harder for hackers to gain access.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happened to the hacker that attacked Bitfinex?

The hacker or hackers have never been identified, and it is unclear what happened to the stolen funds.

Can I trust Bitfinex with my funds?

Bitfinex has taken several steps to ensure the safety of user funds, and many users have continued to use the exchange without issue. However, cryptocurrency investments and exchanges are always subject to some degree of risk, so it is important to do your own research and make sure you understand the potential risks before investing.
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Super Mod
Super Mod
Jul 17, 2023
How was Bitfinex hacked?

Bitfinex, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, was hacked in August 2016. The hackers managed to steal 119,756 bitcoins, worth approximately $72 million at the time. The attack was enabled by a vulnerability in the exchange’s multi-signature wallet system.

Multi-Signature Wallet System

Bitfinex used a multi-signature wallet system, which requires multiple keys to access the funds. The system was designed to provide an extra layer of security, as it requires more than one key to access the funds. However, the hackers were able to exploit a vulnerability in the system to gain access to the funds.


The vulnerability was in the way the system was configured. The hackers were able to use the same key multiple times, allowing them to access the funds without the need for multiple keys. This allowed them to bypass the security measures put in place by the exchange.


The impact of the hack was significant. Bitfinex had to shut down its operations and its customers lost a significant amount of money. The price of bitcoin also dropped significantly following the hack.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How did the hackers gain access to the funds?

A: The hackers were able to exploit a vulnerability in the multi-signature wallet system used by Bitfinex, which allowed them to bypass the security measures put in place by the exchange.

Q: How much money was stolen?

A: The hackers managed to steal 119,756 bitcoins, worth approximately $72 million at the time.

Q: What was the impact of the hack?

A: The impact of the hack was significant. Bitfinex had to shut down its operations and its customers lost a significant amount of money. The price of bitcoin also dropped significantly following the hack.


Super Mod
Super Mod
Jul 10, 2023

Bitfinex is one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. It is also one of the largest, with over $1.6 billion in daily trading volume. In August 2016, Bitfinex was the victim of a major hack, resulting in the loss of approximately 120,000 Bitcoin (worth approximately $72 million at the time). This was one of the largest hacks in the history of cryptocurrency exchanges. In this article, we will discuss the details of the Bitfinex hack and what can be done to prevent similar attacks in the future.

What Happened?

On August 2, 2016, hackers were able to gain access to Bitfinex's servers and steal approximately 120,000 Bitcoin. The hackers were able to bypass the security measures in place and gain access to the private keys of the wallets associated with the exchange. This allowed them to transfer the Bitcoin to their own wallets.

How Was the Hack Discovered?

The hack was discovered when users of the exchange began to notice that their Bitcoin balances had been reduced. Bitfinex immediately contacted law enforcement and began an investigation into the incident. It was soon discovered that the hackers had gained access to the private keys of the wallets associated with the exchange.

How Was the Hack Prevented?

Bitfinex has since implemented several security measures to prevent similar attacks from happening in the future. These include two-factor authentication, cold storage of funds, and the use of multi-signature wallets. Additionally, the exchange has implemented a bug bounty program to encourage users to report any potential security vulnerabilities.


The Bitfinex hack was one of the largest in the history of cryptocurrency exchanges. It was a wake-up call for the industry, as it highlighted the need for better security measures to protect user funds. Bitfinex has since implemented several security measures to prevent similar attacks from happening in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

What was the value of the Bitcoin stolen in the Bitfinex hack?

The hackers were able to steal approximately 120,000 Bitcoin, which was worth approximately $72 million at the time.

What security measures has Bitfinex implemented since the hack?

Bitfinex has implemented two-factor authentication, cold storage of funds, and the use of multi-signature wallets. Additionally, the exchange has implemented a bug bounty program to encourage users to report any potential security vulnerabilities.


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
Bitfinex was hacked in 2016 when a malicious actor was able to gain access to user accounts and withdraw funds. The hackers were able to exploit a vulnerability in the platform's security system, allowing them to access user funds without authorization. The attack resulted in the loss of approximately 120,000 BTC. Bitfinex has since implemented additional security measures to prevent similar attacks in the future.


Jul 17, 2023
How was Bitfinex hacked?

Bitfinex was a cryptocurrency exchange platform that was the victim of a security breach in August 2016. The breach resulted in the loss of over $72 million worth of Bitcoin. This article will discuss the details of the attack, how it was carried out, and the consequences for the users of the platform.

The Attack

The attack on Bitfinex was the largest security breach of a cryptocurrency exchange platform at the time. The attackers were able to gain access to the system by exploiting a vulnerability in the platform’s code. They then transferred the funds from user accounts to their own wallets.

Details of the Attack

The attack was executed by using a technique called “transaction malleability”. This method allowed the attackers to change the transaction ID after the transaction had been sent. This allowed them to hide the fact that they had stolen the funds from the user accounts.

The attackers also used a method called “distributed denial of service” (DDoS). This allowed them to flood the server with requests and overwhelm it, preventing it from processing legitimate transactions.

Consequences of the Attack

The attack had a major impact on the users of the platform. Many lost their funds and were unable to recover them. Bitfinex was also forced to close down for several days while they investigated the breach.

The attack also had a major impact on the reputation of the platform. Many users lost trust in the platform and chose to move their funds elsewhere.

Preventative Measures

In the wake of the attack, Bitfinex implemented a number of security measures to protect users’ funds. These included two-factor authentication, multi-signature wallets, and a cold storage system.

They also increased the security of their code by implementing an automated system to detect and respond to any suspicious activity.


The attack on Bitfinex was a major setback for the platform. However, it was also a learning experience for the cryptocurrency industry as a whole. The attack highlighted the importance of security measures and the need for users to exercise caution when storing their funds on any platform.

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New Member
Jul 17, 2023
In August 2016, Bitfinex suffered a massive security breach resulting in the theft of over 120,000 bitcoins worth over $72 million. The hack was one of the largest and most devastating in the history of the cryptocurrency industry. Despite having one of the most advanced security systems in place, Bitfinex was unable to prevent the attack. The hackers were able to gain access to the exchange’s user accounts, wallets, and private keys. This enabled them to steal funds from users’ accounts without their knowledge. The security breach has left many users feeling frustrated and betrayed, and has raised questions about the safety of using the exchange in the future.

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