How to choose a mining pool with a low share rejection rate ?


Active Member
Jul 17, 2023
Choosing a mining pool with a low share rejection rate is an important factor to consider when mining crypto currencies. The best way to ensure you choose a pool with a low share rejection rate is to research the pool’s reputation and track record. Look for reviews from other miners who have used the pool and ask questions on forums like BitcoinTalk or Reddit. Additionally, you should look into the pool’s payment methods and fees, as well as their security protocols. You should also consider the pool’s hashrate, as this will affect the speed at which you can mine. According to Investopedia, “The lower the share rejection rate, the higher the chances of miners receiving rewards.”[1]

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Super Mod
Super Mod
Jul 10, 2023
Mining pools are a great way to increase your chances of earning cryptocurrency rewards. However, it can be difficult to know which mining pool to choose due to the large number of options available. One important factor to consider is the pool's share rejection rate. Share rejection rate is a measure of how many submitted shares are rejected by the pool, usually due to a problem with the submitted work or the network connection. This article will discuss how to choose a mining pool with a low share rejection rate.

A share rejection rate is the percentage of shares submitted to a mining pool that are rejected. When miners submit their work to a mining pool, the pool verifies the work and either accepts or rejects it. If the pool rejects the work, the miner does not receive any rewards. Share rejection rate is a measure of how often the pool rejects submitted work, and is usually expressed as a percentage.

A low share rejection rate is important because it indicates that the pool is reliable and efficient. High share rejection rates can be caused by technical issues or a lack of resources on the pool's side. A pool with a high share rejection rate is not ideal for miners because they may not receive rewards for their work.

The best way to ensure that you are choosing a mining pool with a low share rejection rate is to do your research. Check reviews of the pool on forums and other websites. Look for information about the pool's performance, fees, and support. You should also check the pool's website for information about their share rejection rate.

Choosing a mining pool with a low share rejection rate is important for miners, as it ensures that they will receive rewards for their work. The best way to choose a mining pool with a low share rejection rate is to do your research and read reviews of the pool on forums and other websites. By taking the time to do your research, you can ensure that you are choosing a reliable and efficient mining pool.


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
When it comes to choosing a mining pool with a low share rejection rate, it often comes down to a matter of personal preference and risk tolerance. Some people prefer to go with the largest, most well-known mining pools, while others prefer smaller, less established pools. Ultimately, it's important to do your research and make sure the mining pool you choose has a good track record when it comes to share rejection rates. Additionally, it's often wise to look into the fees associated with different mining pools, as these can vary significantly.


Jul 10, 2023
To choose a mining pool with a low share rejection rate, it is important to consider the pool's hash rate, fees, and reputation. The hash rate is the speed at which a pool can generate hashes, which is a measure of its mining performance. The fees are what the pool charges for its services. And the reputation is how reliable the pool is in terms of payouts and customer service. A pool with a higher hash rate, lower fees, and good reputation is likely to have a lower share rejection rate. Additionally, it is important to read reviews of the mining pool to get an idea of its performance. According to Investopedia, “By reading reviews and researching the pool’s reputation, you can get a good idea of the trustworthiness and reliability of the pool.”

Jul 10, 2023
Key Terms: Mining Pool, Share Rejection Rate

When choosing a mining pool, it is important to look for one with a low share rejection rate. This means that the pool is more likely to accept your submitted shares and pay out rewards accordingly. To find a mining pool with a low share rejection rate, you should research the pool's reputation and read reviews from other users. Additionally, you should look for a pool that offers a high hash rate, as this increases the chances of successful mining. Finally, make sure to check the pool's fees and rewards structure to ensure that you are getting the most out of your mining efforts.


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
How to Choose a Mining Pool with a Low Share Rejection Rate

Cryptocurrency mining is a lucrative yet competitive endeavor. As the crypto market continues to grow, miners are increasingly looking for ways to maximize their profits. One of the key factors to consider is the mining pool’s share rejection rate.

What is a Mining Pool?

A mining pool is a collection of miners who pool their resources together to increase their chances of successfully mining a block and receiving the block reward. By joining a mining pool, miners can reduce their chances of experiencing a “bad luck” streak and increase their chances of receiving a reward.

What is a Share Rejection Rate?

The share rejection rate is the percentage of submitted shares that are rejected by the mining pool. Rejected shares occur when a miner submits a share that does not meet the pool’s difficulty requirements. The higher the share rejection rate, the less profitable the mining pool is for miners.

How to Choose a Mining Pool with a Low Share Rejection Rate

When choosing a mining pool, it is important to consider its share rejection rate. Here are some tips to help you find a mining pool with a low share rejection rate:

1. Look for a mining pool with a good reputation. Reputable mining pools are more likely to have a low share rejection rate.

2. Consider the pool’s fees. Some pools charge high fees, which can make them less profitable for miners.

3. Make sure the pool has a good track record. Check the pool’s website to see how long it has been in operation and how many blocks it has mined.

4. Consider the pool’s hash rate. The higher the hash rate, the more likely it is that the pool will find a block.

5. Consider the pool’s payment system. Some pools pay out rewards on a regular basis, while others pay out only when a block is found.

6. Consider the pool’s minimum payout. Some pools require a minimum payout, which can make them less profitable for miners.

7. Consider the pool’s support. Make sure the pool has a good support team that is available to answer your questions.


Choosing a mining pool with a low share rejection rate is an important factor to consider when mining cryptocurrency. By following the tips outlined above, you can find a mining pool that is both profitable and reliable.

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