How to avoid fake trading volume on crypto exchanges ?


Active Member
Jul 16, 2023
Hello everyone!

I am new to the world of crypto trading and I am looking for help on how to avoid fake trading volumes on crypto exchanges. I am aware that some exchanges report false trading volumes in order to attract more traders and investors, but I am unsure of how to spot a fake volume.

I would really appreciate it if any experienced traders could provide me with advice on how to tell a fake volume from a real one. Are there any particular indicators or signs that I should look out for? Are there any reliable exchanges that regularly report accurate data?

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.


Jul 9, 2023
Avoiding Fake Trading Volume on Crypto Exchanges can be difficult, as some exchanges may use manipulative tactics to inflate their trading volume. However, there are steps investors can take to identify and protect themselves from these practices. Firstly, investors should only invest through regulated exchanges, as these are subject to comprehensive checks and regulations that prevent fraud. Investors should also research the exchange by reading reviews, news coverage, and other resources. Additionally, investors should look for an exchange that publishes its trading volume data and other metrics. Finally, investors should be wary of exchanges with large volumes that seem too good to be true, as these are likely to be manipulated. Sources:

1. "Cryptocurrency Exchanges: How to Avoid Fake Volume and Choose the Right Platform," CryptoPotato.

2. "Avoid Fake Volume on Crypto Exchanges," Investopedia.
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New Member
Jul 18, 2023
Fake trading volume on crypto exchanges is a serious issue, and it's important to be vigilant and do your research before investing. One way to avoid fake trading volume is to check the exchange's liquidity, which you can do by looking at the amount of open orders vs. the amount of closed orders. Also, look for exchanges that have an established, reputable track record and have been in operation for a long time. Finally, be sure to read reviews of the exchange before making any trades.


Well-Known Member
Crypto News Squad
Jul 10, 2023
Crypto trading has become increasingly popular over the last few years. However, it can be difficult to determine the legitimacy of the trading volume reported by exchanges. Fake trading volume can be difficult to spot and can have a significant impact on the markets. In this article, we will discuss how to avoid fake trading volume on crypto exchanges.

Fake trading volume is a term used to describe the manipulation of trading volume data to make it appear higher than it actually is. This can be done by creating fictitious orders or by using bots to create artificial volume. Fake trading volume can be used to deceive investors into believing that a particular asset is more popular or liquid than it actually is. This can lead to investors making bad decisions based on inaccurate data.

The best way to detect fake trading volume is to look for discrepancies between the reported trading volume and the actual trading activity. For example, if the reported trading volume is consistently higher than the actual trading activity, this could indicate that the exchange is manipulating the data. Additionally, it is important to look for any unusual spikes or drops in the trading volume. Unusual changes in the trading volume can be a sign that the exchange is artificially inflating or deflating the data.

There are several steps that can be taken to avoid fake trading volume. First, it is important to research the exchange thoroughly before trading. This includes reviewing the exchange's trading volume data and looking for any discrepancies. Additionally, it is important to look for reputable exchanges that are regulated by financial authorities. This will help ensure that the exchange is not manipulating the data.

Finally, it is important to use trading tools such as order books and depth charts to compare the reported trading volume with the actual trading activity. This will help to identify any discrepancies between the two.

Fake trading volume can be difficult to spot and can have a significant impact on the markets. However, there are several steps that can be taken to avoid it. These steps include researching the exchange thoroughly, looking for reputable exchanges that are regulated by financial authorities, and using trading tools to compare the reported trading volume with the actual trading activity. By following these steps, investors can ensure that they are trading on an exchange that is not manipulating the data.


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
The best way to avoid fake trading volume on crypto exchanges is to use reliable and trustworthy exchanges that are highly regulated. Research the exchange before trading and look for customer reviews, check the exchange's security measures, and make sure it has a good reputation. Additionally, look for exchanges that are transparent and provide detailed information about their order books, trading volume, and fees. Finally, use exchanges that are insured and have a good customer support team to assist you with any issues you may encounter.


Well-Known Member
Crypto News Squad
Jul 18, 2023
Avoiding Fake Trading Volume

1. Research the Exchange: Before investing, research the exchange and its trading volume. Check for any red flags such as suspiciously high trading volume, or any reports of fake trading volume.

2. Check the Order Book: Check the order book of the exchange to ensure that the trading volume is real. Look for any large orders that could be artificially inflating the volume.

3. Use Reputable Exchanges: Stick to reputable exchanges that have been in the market for a long time. These exchanges have a proven track record and are less likely to have fake trading volume.

4. Monitor the Volume: Monitor the trading volume of the exchange regularly to ensure that it is not artificially inflated.


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
How to avoid fake trading volume on crypto exchanges?

Cryptocurrency trading has become increasingly popular in recent years, and with it, the need to be aware of fake trading volume on crypto exchanges. Fake trading volume is a form of market manipulation where traders artificially inflate the number of trades that take place on an exchange in order to influence prices. This can lead to a distorted view of the market, and can be used to manipulate prices in the trader’s favor.

What is Fake Trading Volume?

Fake trading volume is a form of market manipulation where traders artificially inflate the number of trades that take place on an exchange. This is done by creating fake orders, or by using bots to make trades that do not reflect real market conditions. This can lead to a distorted view of the market and can be used to manipulate prices in the trader’s favor.

How to Identify Fake Trading Volume

The first step in avoiding fake trading volume on crypto exchanges is to identify it. There are several indicators that can be used to detect fake trading volume. These include:

• Unusually high trading volumes compared to the average for a given exchange
• Unusual price movements that are not supported by real market conditions
• Anomalous trading patterns that do not reflect real market conditions
• Unusual order sizes that are not consistent with normal market activity

How to Avoid Fake Trading Volume

Once you have identified fake trading volume, it is important to take steps to avoid it. Here are some tips for avoiding fake trading volume:

• Use reputable exchanges with established track records
• Monitor trading patterns and volumes for unusual activity
• Avoid trading based on rumors or unsubstantiated information
• Be aware of the risks associated with high-frequency trading
• Use trading bots with caution


Fake trading volume is a form of market manipulation that can distort the view of the market and lead to losses for traders. By being aware of the indicators of fake trading volume, and taking steps to avoid it, traders can protect themselves from losses.


For more information on how to avoid fake trading volume on crypto exchanges, watch this video:

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