How do mining pool payouts work ?


New Member
Jul 17, 2023
Cryptocurrency mining pools are groups of miners who work together to mine cryptocurrency and share the profits. But how do mining pool payouts actually work?

I'm a newbie to cryptocurrency mining and I'm wondering how the payouts from mining pools are actually calculated and distributed. Do miners receive a fixed amount for each block they mine, or is the payout based on how much work they have put in?

I know there are lots of different mining pool payment models, such as PPS, PPLNS, Solo, and FPPS, but I'm not sure which is the most profitable and how the different models work.

I'd love to hear from experienced miners who can explain the different mining pool payment models and tell me which one is the best for profitability.
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Jul 9, 2023
Mining pools are groups of miners who combine their computing power to increase their chances of validating and confirming a block. When a block is validated and confirmed, the miners in the pool share the reward according to their contribution to validating the block. This reward is known as a mining pool payout. Payouts from mining pools are calculated using a Pay Per Share (PPS) system, which calculates a miners' contribution to the pool relative to the total amount of work done by all miners in the pool. The PPS system ensures that miners get paid for their work regardless of whether the pool finds a block or not. This system also ensures that miners are not paid more than they should, which prevents miners from engaging in “selfish” mining.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2023
A mining pool is a group of miners who join forces in order to increase their chances of successfully mining a block and receiving a reward. By combining their computing power, miners can increase their chances of finding blocks and receive a proportionally larger reward. Each miner in the pool will receive a share of the reward based on the amount of work they contribute.

Mining pool payouts work in different ways depending on the type of pool. Generally, miners will receive a reward based on the amount of work they contribute to the pool. This reward is usually a percentage of the block reward given to the pool, and it is divided among all the miners in the pool based on their contribution.

For example, if a pool of miners successfully mines a block and the block reward is 12.5 BTC, the pool will divide the reward among all the miners in the pool based on their contribution. So, if a miner contributes 10% of the total hashrate of the pool, they will receive 1.25 BTC as their reward.

Mining pools offer different types of payouts depending on the type of pool. The most common types of payouts are proportional, PPLNS (Pay Per Last N Shares) and PPS (Pay Per Share).

In a proportional payout, miners receive a reward based on their share of the total hashrate of the pool. This type of payout is the most common and it is usually the most fair.

In a PPLNS payout, miners receive a reward based on the last N shares they contributed to the pool. This type of payout is slightly less fair than proportional payouts, but it can be more profitable for miners who are able to contribute a large amount of hashpower to the pool.

In a PPS payout, miners receive a fixed reward for each share they contribute to the pool. This type of payout is the least fair, since miners who contribute more to the pool will not receive a higher reward.

Mining pool payouts are a great way for miners to increase their chances of successfully mining a block and receiving a reward. By joining forces with other miners, miners can increase their chances of finding blocks and receive a proportionally larger reward. The types of mining pool payouts vary depending on the type of pool, but most pools offer proportional payouts which are the most fair and common type of payout.


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
Mining pools are a controversial way of mining cryptocurrency. Some view them as a way to increase the chances of making a profit, while others view them as taking away from the decentralization of crypto. The way mining pool payouts work is that miners within the pool combine their computing power and share the rewards according to how much computing power each miner contributed. This means that miners with more computing power will receive a larger portion of the rewards. While this does encourage more miners to join the pool, it also has the potential to create a situation where larger miners can take advantage of the smaller miners.
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New Member
Jul 17, 2023
Mining pool payouts work by dividing the reward equally among all miners in the pool, based on the number of shares they have contributed. The shares are a measure of how much work a miner has done to try and find a block. Once a block is found, the miners in the pool will receive a proportional amount of the block reward based on the amount of work they have done. This reward is usually divided up among the miners in the pool according to the amount of hashing power they have contributed.

[Source: Investopedia, "What Is a Mining Pool?](


Jul 10, 2023
Mining pool payouts work by pooling together the resources of miners to increase the chances of finding a block. When a block is found, the pool distributes the reward among all miners in the pool according to their hash rate, or the amount of computing power they are contributing to the pool. The reward is usually paid out in the form of the cryptocurrency that is being mined. Key Terms: Mining Pool, Hash Rate, Block, Reward, Cryptocurrency.


Active Member
Jul 17, 2023
Mining Pool Payouts

Mining pool payouts are a way for miners to receive their share of the rewards for the mining of a cryptocurrency. It is a way for miners to share the rewards for the work they do in order to secure the blockchain. Mining pools are groups of miners that work together to mine a cryptocurrency, and then split the rewards among them.

How Do Mining Pool Payouts Work?

Mining pool payouts work by having miners join a mining pool and then pooling their computing power to mine a cryptocurrency. The pool then distributes the rewards among the miners based on the amount of work each miner has contributed to the pool. The pool will also take a fee for managing the pool.

When a miner joins a mining pool, they will provide the pool with their public address. This address is used to track the miner's contributions to the pool and to calculate their share of the rewards. The miner's share of the rewards is then sent to their public address.

Types of Mining Pool Payouts

There are several types of mining pool payouts. The most common type is the proportional payout, where miners receive a proportion of the rewards based on the amount of work they have contributed to the pool. Other types of mining pool payouts include the Pay Per Share (PPS) payout, where miners are paid a fixed amount for each share they contribute to the pool, and the Pay Per Last N Shares (PPLNS) payout, where miners are paid based on the last N shares they contributed to the pool.

Advantages of Mining Pool Payouts

Mining pool payouts have several advantages. The most obvious is that it allows miners to receive rewards for their work more quickly than if they were to mine on their own. Mining pool payouts also allow miners to receive rewards even if their hardware is not powerful enough to mine a cryptocurrency on their own. Finally, mining pool payouts are more secure than solo mining, as the pool is able to spread the risk across multiple miners.


Mining pool payouts are a great way for miners to receive rewards for their work in securing the blockchain. Mining pools allow miners to pool their resources and receive rewards more quickly and securely than if they were to mine on their own. Mining pool payouts are also more secure than solo mining, as the pool is able to spread the risk across multiple miners.

Video Link

For a more in-depth look at mining pool payouts, check out this video from Crypto Mining School:

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