Helping Canadians Solve The Money Problem

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New Member
Jul 18, 2023
Solving the Money Problem for Canadians


Block Rewards is a Canadian service that aims to educate employers about bitcoin and provide them with the tools to compensate their employees with bitcoin-based benefits. The founder, Scott Dedels, believes that bitcoin is the solution to the affordability crisis in Canada. Block Rewards offers various options for employers to compensate their employees with bitcoin, including savings plans, payment options, and rewards programs. The service also offers education and expertise to help employers and employees understand bitcoin and how to incorporate it into their compensation plans. Block Rewards aims to have 1 in 10 Canadians being compensated in bitcoin by 2028. They believe that by offering a simple path for employers to incorporate bitcoin into their rewards strategies and by providing education, bitcoin can become an integral part of compensation and employee benefits in Canada. The service is noncustodial, meaning they do not hold any bitcoin. Block Rewards aims to bridge the gap in knowledge about bitcoin and inflation by initiating as many Canadian employers as possible into the Bitcoin ethos. They believe that as adoption of bitcoin grows, more people will want to be compensated in it. While currently limited to Canada, Block Rewards has aspirations to become a global leader in helping businesses compensate their employees in bitcoin. Overall, Block Rewards seeks to empower employers and help their employees thrive in changing financial conditions through the use of bitcoin-based benefits and compensation..


#Helping #Canadians #Solve #Money #Problem
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