Greenlighting of Debtors’ Assets and Liabilities Assessment Value by Celsius’ Valuation Advisor

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Aug 7, 2023
Celsius Network, a cryptocurrency lending platform, has made progress in resolving its financial troubles as its reorganization plan receives approval from most creditors. The plan involves returning around $2 billion worth of Bitcoin and Ethereum to the creditors, a significant step forward for the company. Joel E. Cohen, a mathematician and biologist acting as the valuation adviser for Celsius Network, has verified the accuracy of the fair value of specific assets and liabilities of the debtors. The valuation was conducted by Stout Risius Ross and covered cryptocurrency assets, loans, and alternative investments.

Celsius Network faced challenges due to the crypto bear Market in 2022 and filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy in July. Despite initially reporting a debt of approximately $1.2 billion, a Coin Report suggested that the debt could be close to $2.85 billion. The company’s net liabilities were estimated to be $6.6 billion, while its total assets under management were $2.85 billion. In contrast, Celsius filed that it held $4.3 billion in assets under management and $5.5 billion in liabilities.

CEO Alex Mashinsky stated that filing for bankruptcy was the right decision for the community and the company. However, the case garnered controversy when it was revealed that Mashinsky had withdrawn $10 million worth of crypto before Celsius Network halted withdrawals. There were also allegations of Mashinsky inappropriately influencing Trading decisions. Court documents later revealed that Mashinsky, CTO Nuke Goldstein, and CSO Daniel Leon withdrew $56.12 million between May and June from custody accounts in BTC, ETH, USDC, and CEL.

After several months of negotiations and discussions, Celsius creditors have approved the reorganization plan, which includes the distribution of approximately $2 billion among creditors. Additionally, the plan includes the allocation of equity in a new entity provisionally referred to as “NewCo.” The completion of the valuation Analysis by Joel E. Cohen confirms the accuracy of the plan’s valuation of debtors’ assets and liabilities.

The approval of the reorganization plan marks a significant step forward in resolving Celsius Network’s financial situation. It provides hope for creditors as they will receive a substantial portion of the crypto assets owed to them. The involvement of a valuation adviser adds credibility to the fair value of the assets and liabilities, ensuring a more transparent and accurate resolution.

Moving forward, Celsius Network will need to regain the trust of its community and implement measures to prevent similar financial turmoil in the future. The company may also face regulatory scrutiny due to the controversies surrounding CEO Mashinsky and the allegations of inappropriate trading influence. Nonetheless, the approval of the reorganization plan offers a path towards recovery for Celsius Network and its creditors..


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