Grayscale Victory Sends Bitcoin Open Interest Surging After Hitting One-Year Lows

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Super Mod
Super Mod
Jul 10, 2023
Bitcoin Open Interest Surges Following Grayscale’s Win, Rebounding from One-Year Lows


The Bitcoin open interest, which had been declining for several weeks, has experienced a quick reversal following Grayscale’s victory against the SEC. On Tuesday, August 29, the open interest surged after hitting its lowest levels since the Terra network collapse in May 2022. This decline presented an opportunity for investors to enter the Bitcoin Market.

The same day, Grayscale won a court battle against the SEC regarding its Spot Bitcoin ETF filing. This victory generated significant hype and caused a rapid uptrend in the price of Bitcoin, leading to a surge in open interest.

Coinglass data revealed that some exchanges, such as dYdX, experienced double-digit growth in open interest, with the cumulative open interest across all exchanges increasing by 9.55% in the last 24 hours.

While the current uptrend in Bitcoin’s price is driven by the excitement surrounding the Grayscale victory, it is uncertain how long this trend will continue before a correction occurs. As long as investors maintain an optimistic outlook, Bitcoin will likely see continued positive performance.

However, a recovery in open interest poses risks as it provides an opportunity for shorters to enter the market. Analysis of the chart from Kaiko shows that open interest was high before the FTX collapse in 2022, and then it declined during the early 2023 Bitcoin rally before picking up again.

Currently, Bitcoin’s price has increased by 5.35% in the last 24 hours, reaching $27,349. It is important to monitor market insights and updates to stay informed about any potential market shifts.

Overall, the Bitcoin open interest has experienced a reversal following Grayscale’s legal victory, leading to an uptrend in the digital asset’s price. However, the duration of this trend remains uncertain, and caution should be exercised as open interest increases, potentially attracting shorters to the market..


#Grayscale #Victory #Sends #Bitcoin #Open #Interest #Surging #Hitting #OneYear #Lows
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