Google Confirms: Bitcoin Demand Is Accelerating!

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Super Mod
Super Mod
Jul 10, 2023
In recent months, crypto investors have experienced several failed attempts at a bullish wave, as short-lived rises in prices were quickly dampened by various news events. However, despite these setbacks, Google search data shows that investors are increasing their searches for Bitcoin, suggesting a growing interest in the cryptocurrency.

According to Google Trends data from August 26th, there has been a significant surge in global interest in the search term “buy Bitcoin” compared to last year. The popularity score for this search term has increased to 74, with an annual growth rate of 42%. It reached its highest popularity score of 100 in the last week of 2022.

On a regional basis, Nigeria leads the pack with a popularity score of 100, followed by Cameroon with 33 points, and St. Helena in third place with 23 points. Ghana and the United States are tied for fourth place with 19 points each.

The increased interest in Bitcoin comes after its price failed to sustain a rise above $30,000. The recent drop in price to around $25,000 has created an attractive buying opportunity for investors. There is speculation that upcoming events in the crypto space, such as the 2024 Bitcoin halving cycle and the potential approval of a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF), could fuel a potential rally in the future. The approval of a Bitcoin ETF is expected to attract institutional investors.

On-chain metrics for Bitcoin also suggest potential for an uptrend. Currently, 5.8% of the total Bitcoin supply is held on exchanges, marking a decline not seen since December 2017. This shift indicates that more individuals are transferring their Bitcoin to private Wallets, viewing it as a store of value rather than for exchange-based Trading.

As of now, Bitcoin is trading at $26,044.49, slightly up from the previous 24 hours. Market observers believe that Bitcoin and the overall crypto market are in a consolidation phase and are poised for an upward movement in the near future. The direction of the market will depend on whether there are any significant violations within this range. However, increased interest in Bitcoin is accompanied by decreasing liquidity and weak volumes, leading to price fluctuations.

Overall, the data suggests that despite the recent setbacks in the cryptocurrency market, there is a growing interest in Bitcoin among investors. Factors such as upcoming events and potential regulatory approvals may contribute to a future rally in the cryptocurrency. However, market conditions and price fluctuations should still be closely monitored..


#Google #Confirms #Bitcoin #Demand #Accelerating
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