Former CEO Admits to Guilt in Crypto Futures Contract Cherry-Picking Scheme

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New Member
Aug 7, 2023
Former Systematic Alpha Management LLC (SAM) CEO, Peter Kambolin, has admitted to participating in a fraudulent scheme known as cherry-picking, which involved the unfair allocation of profitable and unprofitable trades to benefit himself at the expense of investors. Kambolin misled clients by claiming that SAM’s Trading strategies focused on crypto futures contracts and foreign exchange futures contracts, when in reality, a significant portion of the transactions involved equity index futures contracts. The US Department of Justice (DOJ) claims that Kambolin defrauded clients worldwide and prevented them from making profitable trades.

The Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) had previously filed a complaint against SAM and Kambolin, making similar allegations. The CFTC accused Kambolin and the Investment firm of unfairly allocating profitable trades to their proprietary accounts, while pool participants received unprofitable trades. The complaint stated that Kambolin and SAM made over $1.5 million in trading profit, while clients suffered trading losses of the same amount.

The DOJ press release revealed that Kambolin used the profits from the cherry-picking scheme to fund his lifestyle, which included renting a beachfront apartment and transferring proceeds to bank accounts in Belarus and the Dominican Republic, controlled by his co-conspirator. Acting Assistant Attorney General, Nicole Argentieri, commented on the case, stating that Kambolin had breached client trust for personal profit and undermined investor confidence in the commodities market.

As a result, Kambolin pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit commodities fraud. He could face a maximum sentence of five years imprisonment, although no sentencing date has been set.

This case highlights the dangers of fraudulent practices in the investment industry and the impact they can have on unsuspecting investors. Cherry-picking schemes, where individuals manipulate trades to benefit themselves at the expense of others, erode trust in the market and undermine the integrity of the entire system.

Investors must remain vigilant and conduct thorough due diligence when considering investment opportunities. It is crucial to verify the credentials and track record of investment firms and their executives before entrusting them with funds. Regulators such as the CFTC play a crucial role in identifying and prosecuting fraudulent activities, but individuals must also take steps to protect themselves from such schemes.

Overall, the case involving Peter Kambolin and SAM serves as a reminder that investors should exercise caution and remain informed to avoid falling victim to fraudulent practices. Trust and integrity in the financial markets are essential for the stability and growth of the global economy, and instances of fraudulent behavior should be dealt with vigorously to maintain investor confidence..


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