First Spot Bitcoin ETF In Europe Listed On Euronext Amsterdam

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Super Mod
Super Mod
Jul 10, 2023
Euronext Amsterdam Lists Europe’s First Bitcoin ETF


Bitcoin News is reaching out to its readers and asking for support through donations in order to continue providing independent and focused coverage on Bitcoin. The plea states that if readers believe in the importance of independent, bitcoin-only media and the role of information and education in the adoption of bitcoin, they should consider contributing $21. They emphasize that if every reader donated this amount, they would reach their target in just a few hours. The funds would be used to cover the costs of servers, editors, writers, and thumbnail artists. To contribute, readers have the option to send “sats” (satoshis, the smallest unit of bitcoin) as tips to the writers, or join a campaign on where they can receive perks such as limited edition Bukele Blend Coffee from El Salvador. The message concludes by emphasizing that reader support is crucial in maintaining Bitcoin News’ independence and focus on Bitcoin..


#Spot #Bitcoin #ETF #Europe #Listed #Euronext #Amsterdam
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