Ethereum Statement from Payments Giant Visa: We Succeeded!


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Super Mod
Jul 9, 2023
There’s news from global payment technology leader Visa. It allows users to pay gas fees using their credit or debit cards on the Ethereum network. Accordingly, this Development marks a groundbreaking turning point. This innovation aims to increase accessibility to decentralized applications (dApps) on the ETH Blockchain. It also aims to streamline user experiences.

Visa and Ethereum

There is an important development for the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency. Accordingly, Visa allows users to pay gas fees on the Ethereum network directly with their credit or debit cards. He also successfully concluded a very important test. This breakthrough is improving accessibility and usability. On the other hand, it points to tremendous potential to transform the landscape of decentralized applications (dApps).

The success of the test was achieved on the Ethereum Goerli test network, a simulation environment that reflects the functions of the Ethereum network. Visa’s technical team orchestrated the trial, leveraging a combination of the latest technologies, such as payment manager contracts, account abstraction, and ERC-4337 standards.

Innovative venture

The main goal of this innovative initiative is to eliminate the complexities surrounding gas fees. They also facilitate user interactions with Ethereum-based applications. Historically, gas fees, which are the basic transaction fees on the Ethereum network, are expressed in ETH. But Visa’s pioneering effort aims to expand payment capabilities beyond cryptocurrencies.

Are Collecting These Coins!” class=”wp-image-347556″/>

This development is especially important for those who are less familiar with the intricacies of cryptocurrencies. On the other hand, it is also important for individuals who prefer traditional payment methods. Visa allows users to pay gas fees in fiat currencies via credit or debit cards. Thus, it is preparing to bridge the gap between traditional financial applications and the rapidly evolving blockchain environment.

What Ethereum and Visa test means

Although this test was conducted on the Ethereum Goerli test network, its results are resonating with the Ethereum mainnet and potentially other blockchain networks. Visa continues to explore the synergies between traditional financial infrastructure and blockchain technology. On the other hand, the successful conclusion of this experiment represents an important milestone in shaping the future of digital payments.

Could Outpace Visa!” class=”wp-image-203955″/> Visa’s pioneering effort to enable direct payment of Ethereum gas fees with credit and debit cards represents a transformative step toward increasing the accessibility and user-friendliness of high-value Blockchain-based applications. Embracing the intersection of traditional financial systems and cutting-edge blockchain solutions, Visa sets a precedent for seamless, user-centric financial experiences.

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