Dogecoin’s Dog Statue to be Embraced by Japan in November

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Aug 7, 2023
The Dogecoin community has successfully fundraised for a bronze statue of Kabosu, the Japanese Shiba Inu that inspired the Doge meme and the Dogecoin cryptocurrency. The crowdfunding campaign was launched on Kabosu’s 17th birthday on November 2, 2022, and will culminate in the unveiling of the statue in Sakura Furusato Square in November of this year. The statue aims to serve as a physical meeting place for Doge enthusiasts from around the world, celebrating the impact of Kabosu, the meme, and the cryptocurrency.

The campaign was initiated by the Dogecoin Foundation, Own The Doge, and Atsuko Sato, Kabosu’s owner, with the goal of creating a lasting symbol of positivity and unity. Despite facing challenges such as a significant market downturn caused by the collapse of the FTX cryptocurrency exchange, which reduced the value of the crowdfunded assets, the Dogecoin community remained determined and persevered with their fundraising efforts.

Sakura Furusato Square, where the statue will be located, is a scenic park that is often visited by Atsuko Sato and Kabosu. The park features an ornamental Dutch windmill and will provide a fitting backdrop for this tribute to one of the internet’s most beloved dogs.

The success of the fundraising campaign is a testament to the passion and dedication of the Dogecoin community. Their commitment to honoring Kabosu and the positive impact she has had on countless hearts is evident in reaching the initial fundraising goal of $42,069 within just 72 hours. The community’s resilience and determination to see their long-held dream come to life despite setbacks demonstrate the power of their collective spirit.

The unveiling of the bronze statue in November will be a momentous occasion for the Dogecoin community and a celebration of the meme culture that Kabosu helped popularize. It will serve as a physical representation of the community’s values of laughter, goodwill, and unity.

Overall, the fundraising success and forthcoming unveiling of the Kabosu statue is a heartwarming tribute to a beloved dog and a symbol of the positive impact that internet culture and cryptocurrency communities can have. It demonstrates the power of collective action and the ability to turn dreams into reality..


#Japan #Embrace #Dogecoins #Dog #Statue #November
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