Digital Room Flags Privacy Concerns in IRS Digital Asset Tax Draft


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Jul 17, 2023

Digital Room Flags Privacy Concerns in IRS Digital Asset Tax Draft

Digital Room offers its feedback on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) draft 1099-DA It was released on April 18. The group flagged areas of concern for the broader blockchain industry in its proposed new tax reporting guidance. Other analysts and crypto stakeholders also pointed out problems in the first draft.

Digital Room Offers Pro-Industry Feedback

The Digital Chamber highlighted concerns about the proposed guidelines and suggested that only the necessary information required for the reporting of digital asset transactions should be requested by taxpayers.

As discussed in more detail below, review of the draft form highlights the extreme scope of information requested by the Draft Form and the burdens associated with tax reporting in this form. We recommend that the final form 1099-DA request only information necessary to facilitate reporting of digital asset transactions. By taxpayers…”
The proposed draft laid out layers of regulation for taxpayers regarding crypto assets. These rules were labeled as complex, and the industry pushed for less burdensome methods. The Digital Chamber explained that the proposed law on X (formerly Twitter) requires sensitive data, including wallet addresses and transaction IDs.

The crypto industry has raised privacy concerns due to various regulatory requirements for users to disclose certain information. This spurred growth privacy coins to hide transactions and senders. Aside from privacy concerns, the Digital Chamber noted that the draft should include more detailed instructions on reporting and handling different aspects of the ecosystem.

Crypto Enthusiasts Return to Efforts

Virtual asset users support Digital Chambers’ calls to protect taxpayer privacy across industries. The community also emphasized the importance of positivity crypto laws To increase investment in the area. Similarly, blockchain firm Consensys wrote to the IRS and asked for the implementation of the rules to be postponed, citing the burden it would create on companies.

The law requires exchanges to report certain transactions, and this will affect firms that did not previously have such obligations.

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David is a financial news writer with 4 years of experience in Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrencies. He is interested in learning about emerging technologies and has a talent for keeping up with breaking news. Staying on top of trends, David is knowledgeable about regulations, partnerships, crypto assets, stocks, NFTs, etc. He reported in various fields such as. Away from the financial markets, David cycles and rides horses.

The content presented may contain the personal opinion of the author and is subject to market conditions. Do your market research before investing in cryptocurrencies. Neither the author nor the publication accepts any liability for your personal financial loss.


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