Data shows Cardano remains dominant in developer activity charts with an impressive score

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Aug 7, 2023
Cardano has experienced a surge in developer activity in September, surpassing several other prominent projects in terms of Development activity. Despite facing setbacks in the second half of 2023, including regulatory concerns and competition from other networks, Cardano has managed to maintain a strong presence in the developer community. The network’s native token, ADA, has traded below $0.25 throughout September, but the high level of developer activity indicates that the team remains committed to advancing the platform.

According to Santiment’s data, Cardano scored an impressive 572 in developer activity over the past 30 days, outperforming projects like Polkadot, Chainlink, Hedera, Cosmos, Aptos, and Avalanche. Polkadot and Chainlink followed closely behind with scores of 501 and 388, respectively.

In addition to the high developer activity, Cardano’s decentralized finance (DeFi) sector has also seen significant growth. The total value locked in Cardano surpassed 615 million ADA after a period of stagnation, thanks to thriving DeFi projects built on the platform.

Minswap, the largest decentralized exchange on Cardano, experienced a notable increase in various metrics. Over the past 30 days, the platform’s unique active Wallets (UAW) increased by more than 7% to 19.92k, while its Trading volume grew by over 943% to $3.53 billion. The transaction count also rose by 15% to 451.19k.

Overall, Cardano’s strong developer activity and growth in the DeFi sector demonstrate the platform’s resilience and commitment to advancing despite Market challenges. The network’s ability to attract developers and drive innovation bodes well for its future prospects..


#Cardano #Maintains #Dominance #Developer #Activity #Charts #Impressive #Score #Data
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