Cosmoverse 2023 to Focus on Central Discussions: ATOM Tokenomics Modifications

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Aug 7, 2023
The Cosmos Hub community will be presented with a new vision for the Cosmos Hub and tokenomics of its native cryptocurrency, $ATOM, at this year’s Cosmoverse 2023 conference in Istanbul. Independent teams funded by AADAO have worked on new models and concepts to solidify the Cosmos Hub as the Schelling Point of the Interchain. The updates focus on leveraging the architecture of the ATOM Economic Zone (AEZ) and the position of the Cosmos Hub in the broader crypto industry.

In an effort to decentralize and involve the community more actively in decision-making, Cosmos is placing a strong emphasis on community input regarding $ATOM’s tokenomics. Potential implementations will be proposed before and at the beginning of Cosmoverse and discussed during the last day of the conference. Stakeholders will have a direct say in shaping the future of the Cosmos Hub, and discussions will be held before governance proposals are put up for a vote.

Rather than presenting a single proposal, the changes to $ATOM’s tokenomics will be introduced in smaller, more digestible chunks. This approach allows for more focused discussions, constructive feedback, and better alignment with the diverse interests within the Cosmos ecosystem.

Several independent teams have been actively working on optimizing $ATOM’s tokenomics. Blockworks Research is focusing on liquid staking and the Cosmos Hub’s monetary and fiscal policies. Binary Builders is ensuring alignment within the ATOM Economic Zone (AEZ) through the deployment of Protocol-Owned-Liquidity. The Blockchain Innovation Hub at RMIT University, Melbourne is designing a framework to ensure that the Cosmos Hub can capture value from shared Security and establish a long-term prosperous and sustainable ATOM Economic Zone.

By engaging the community in incremental discussions, Cosmos aims to align the community to optimize $ATOM’s tokenomics and pave the way for a more inclusive and innovative future.

The Cosmos Hub is a Layer 1 blockchain that focuses on interoperability. It provides IBC, a communication standard for cross-chain communication, the Cosmos-SDK, a developer tool kit for building one’s own blockchain, and interchain security, a form of shared security. The Cosmos Hub is considered a network of connected blockchains, also known as “The Internet of Blockchains.”.


#ATOM #Tokenomics #Central #Discussion #Cosmoverse
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