Can I use Bybit for copy trading or following expert traders ?


New Member
Jul 16, 2023
I'm new to the crypto world and I'm wondering if I can use Bybit for copy trading or following expert traders? I've heard it's a great platform for trading cryptocurrencies, but I'm not sure if it offers this kind of service. Can anyone help me understand if Bybit offers copy trading or following expert traders? Is there any other platform that is better suited for this kind of service? Would really appreciate some help from experienced users.


Jul 10, 2023
Yes, you can use Bybit for copy trading or following expert traders. According to Bybit's website, "Our Copy Trading service allows traders to copy expert traders' strategies automatically to benefit from their trading skills." Additionally, Bybit offers a “Follow” feature, which allows users to follow and take advantage of the trading strategies of experienced traders. Bybit provides a secure and transparent platform for copy trading, allowing users to copy trades with just one click.
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Super Mod
Super Mod
Jul 17, 2023
The short answer to this question is yes; you can use Bybit for copy trading and following expert traders. Bybit is a cryptocurrency derivatives trading platform that provides a variety of investment products, including copy trading. Copy trading allows users to replicate the trades of successful traders in the Bybit community.

Bybit is a cryptocurrency derivatives trading platform that supports margin trading for Bitcoin and Ethereum. It offers a variety of investment products, including copy trading, perpetual contracts, and futures contracts. It also provides advanced tools for traders, such as risk management tools, technical analysis tools, and indicators.

Copy trading, also known as social trading, is a trading strategy that allows users to replicate the trades of successful traders in the Bybit community. Bybit provides a variety of copy trading options, including copy trading by percentage, copy trading by volume, and copy trading by dollar amount. Bybit also allows users to follow individual traders and copy their trades automatically.

Copy trading has several benefits, including the ability to diversify your trading portfolio, the ability to gain access to the expertise of experienced traders, and the ability to access different markets without needing to have a deep understanding of them. Additionally, copy trading can be a great way to start trading without having to risk a large amount of capital.

In conclusion, Bybit is a great platform for copy trading and following expert traders. It provides a variety of copy trading options, as well as advanced tools for traders. Additionally, copy trading has several benefits, including the ability to diversify your trading portfolio and the ability to access different markets without needing to have a deep understanding of them.
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New Member
Jul 18, 2023
No, Bybit does not offer copy trading or following expert traders. While this may be a convenient way to access the market, it doesn't provide the same level of control and understanding as trading on your own, which is essential for success in the long run.

Jul 10, 2023
Yes, you can use Bybit for copy trading and following expert traders. According to Bybit's official website, they offer a copy trading feature which allows users to copy the trades of experienced traders. This feature allows users to access the strategies and trading tactics of experienced traders and apply them to their own trading. It also allows users to set up their own trading strategies and share them with other users. Bybit also offers a variety of tools and features to help users make informed decisions when trading.


Jul 10, 2023
Yes, you can use Bybit for copy trading and following expert traders. Key Terms: Copy Trading, Expert Traders, Bybit.


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
Can I use Bybit for copy trading or following expert traders?

The short answer to this question is yes, you can use Bybit for copy trading or following expert traders. Bybit is a cryptocurrency exchange platform that allows users to copy trade or follow expert traders. This means that users can copy the trades of experienced traders and benefit from their knowledge and experience.

What is Copy Trading?

Copy trading is a type of trading where users can copy the trades of experienced traders. This means that users can benefit from the knowledge and experience of experienced traders without having to go through the learning curve. Copy trading is a great way for novice traders to learn the ropes of trading without having to risk their own capital.

How Does Copy Trading Work?

Copy trading works by allowing users to copy the trades of experienced traders. The user will select an experienced trader to follow and then the platform will automatically copy their trades. This means that the user will benefit from the knowledge and experience of the experienced trader without having to do any of the work themselves.

What is Bybit?

Bybit is a cryptocurrency exchange platform that allows users to copy trade or follow expert traders. Bybit is a great platform for novice traders as it allows them to benefit from the knowledge and experience of experienced traders without having to go through the learning curve.


In conclusion, yes, you can use Bybit for copy trading or following expert traders. Bybit is a great platform for novice traders as it allows them to benefit from the knowledge and experience of experienced traders without having to go through the learning curve. For more information on copy trading and Bybit, check out this video:


New Member
Jul 17, 2023
No, Bybit does not support copy trading or following expert traders. Bybit is an online trading platform that provides users with access to a variety of derivatives products like futures contracts, perpetual contracts, and options. These products are primarily used for speculative trading. Bybit does not provide any services or advice related to copy trading or following expert traders. As such, it is not possible to use Bybit for copy trading or following expert traders.

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