BitGo Chosen by Korean Financial Giant for Digital Asset Custody Services

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Jul 10, 2023
Hana Bank, one of South Korea’s major financial institutions, has announced plans to introduce digital asset custody services in collaboration with BitGo, a Palo Alto-based digital asset custody provider. The partnership aims to bring advancements in digital asset custody services and boost the Market in South Korea. Hana Bank and BitGo will explore collaboration opportunities, including the possibility of a joint venture, leveraging their strengths in Security solutions, DAC technology, and financial services. The partnership also aims to enhance transparency and safety in the South Korean digital asset industry.

The collapse of the TerraUSD stablecoin project had a significant impact on South Korea, with losses of approximately $3 billion incurred by the Korean venture fund Hashed during the market crash. As a result, the presidential administration, which was previously supportive of cryptocurrencies, reduced its enthusiasm. However, crypto Trading and Investment have remained unaffected in the country. A recent report revealed that South Korean Gen Zs preferred XRP the most in their portfolios, with an allocation of 20.7%, surpassing the combined allocation for Bitcoin and Ethereum. South Korean individuals in their 20s were found to exhibit an inclination towards aggressive investing compared to other age demographics in the country..


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