Bitcoin Fixes Everything Because Broken Money Ruins Everything

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Super Mod
Super Mod
Jul 10, 2023
Broken Money Wreaks Havoc, But Bitcoin Offers Solutions


In this article, the author explores the concept of inflation and its impact on various aspects of society. They argue that inflation is the primary reason why our current monetary system is broken, and suggest that Bitcoin can fix this problem.

The author begins by discussing the popular meme among Bitcoin enthusiasts that says “Bitcoin fixes this” for any problem one might encounter. While they acknowledge that Bitcoin might not actually fix everything, they argue that a significant number of problems are caused by broken money, and inflation is the root cause of this.

They provide a simple explanation of inflation, stating that it is the increase in the money supply. When the number of dollars in circulation increases but the number of goods and services remains the same, prices rise. This is a widely accepted view, with central banks being responsible for creating money and causing prices to go up while wages fail to keep up.

The author then presents the argument in favor of inflation, which suggests that it is necessary to encourage people to spend and prevent economic collapse. However, they dismiss this argument as “garbage” and argue that it is immoral because it requires violence to enforce. They also mention that economists may have a bias in favor of inflation since it benefits the state.

Next, the author focuses on how inflation ruins products and services. They explain that businesses are forced to increase prices or lower quality due to rising costs caused by inflation. This creates a dilemma for businesses as lowering prices could lead to competition sacrificing quality to keep prices low. As a result, many businesses resort to cutting costs, which ultimately leads to lower quality products and services.

The author points out that everyone is facing this same dilemma, resulting in a gradual decline in quality across the board. They argue that with advancements in technology and production efficiency, quality should be increasing while prices decrease. However, this is not the case due to inflation.

Moving on, the author discusses how inflation ruins finance. They argue that the constant loss of value of fiat currency pushes people to invest in the stock Market as a means to beat inflation. This leads to a concentration of talent in the financial sector, diverting resources from other industries. The powerful financial companies that arise from this concentration of capital can then influence and corrupt the government.

The author also highlights the discrepancy between the official inflation rate and the real inflation rate, suggesting that the government manipulates the numbers. They argue that the actual inflation rate is much higher than what is reported, making it even more difficult to generate higher returns in the stock market.

Lastly, the author argues that inflation ruins people’s morals by discouraging saving and encouraging spending. They claim that the ability to delay gratification and save for the future is fundamental to human nature, and inflation undermines this by eroding the value of savings. This mindset ultimately leads to financial ruin.

In conclusion, the author asserts that inflation is the cause of numerous problems in our monetary system and that Bitcoin offers a solution to this issue. They argue that Bitcoin’s decentralized and limited supply makes it immune to the flaws of fiat currencies, and that adopting Bitcoin could remedy the problems caused by inflation..


#Bitcoin #Fixes #Broken #Money #Ruins
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