Binance Announces For These 22 Altcoins: There’s Also a Listing!

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Super Mod
Super Mod
Jul 10, 2023
Binance, the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange, has recently made several significant announcements that are set to impact the crypto world. One of the key announcements is the listing of a new Altcoin, Sparta (FORT), on Binance’s U.S. subsidiary, Binance.US. This cryptocurrency exchange revealed its decision to list FORT on August 29, with deposits already open on the platform. FORT operates as a Security audit protocol called Fluta, which aims to empower users to detect on-chain threats, abuses, and money laundering activities. The integration of private bots that track Blockchain data enables real-time monitoring of potential threats. Trading for FORT will begin on August 30 on the FORT/USDT trading pair.

Binance is also expanding its options offerings with the launch of additional BNBUSDT Daily Options on August 30. These options contracts, tied to the European-style framework, will provide investors with more avenues for exploration. BNBUSDT Daily Options will be listed every day at 11:00 CET, but no new listings will be made if they coincide with the expiration of BNBUSDT Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly options contracts. These new options bring flexibility and choices to the trading community.

Furthermore, Binance has introduced a new Binary Investment product line that offers users the opportunity to participate in both Low Buy and High Sell strategies. The subscription format operates on a first-come, first-served basis. The Binary Trading feature provides a platform for users to target specific prices and payment dates for various cryptocurrencies. This allows users to accumulate rewards on the assets they own or make strategic purchases or sales. Target currencies, payment dates, and trading terms are clearly stated, providing a streamlined way for users to make informed decisions. Accepted deposits for these products include ETH, BUSD, BTC, or BUSD, and users receive rewards in currencies such as ETH, BNB, BTC, SOL, MATIC, ADA, DOT, BCH, AVAX, FTM, ALGO, NEAR, ATOM, XRP, DOGE, or LTC.

In addition, Binance is conducting an exam for CYBER, the Simple Earn platform, as part of the CYBER Quiz Promotion aimed at new users. Participants who read the “CyberConnect (CYBER) – A Decentralized Social Network Protocol” report on Binance Research and answer all five exam questions correctly will have the opportunity to receive a free 150-day CYBER Locked Products position. This promotion runs from August 29 to September 12 and aims to provide educational content while rewarding user participation.

Overall, these announcements from Binance highlight the exchange’s commitment to expanding its offerings, empowering users with new options, and engaging the community through educational promotions. With these developments, Binance continues to shape the crypto world and solidify its position as the leading cryptocurrency exchange..


#Binance #Announces #Altcoins #Listing
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